Another Boring Old Note

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Actually not old but yeah it is boring.

Hey everyone! As all of you might know that my brain is not working fine at all (No I'm not sick or anything) because it is weird. The weird thing about it is that my mind thinks of a whole new plot for a new story and I dont like that.

But however, this brain has a trick up it's..... Neuron? I have made a new story if you want to check it out. It's called "The Doctor's Orders" and yes another LS fanfic BUT DIFFERENT!

The descrpition will tell you something about the story and I have recently posted the first part of the prologue. It's not going to be a long story, I can assure you that, because I'm not good with long ones.

Comment maybe if you have something to say and the cover is on the right (or top) of the screen. That's what it looks like.

I'll leave you with that and don't worry, I will still be posting in this story of mine.

Bye guys! :)

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