Chapter 16

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Harry's POV

I struggled to live. Well actually that was exaggerating for me to say but it's close to it. I layed down under the shady tree with the clothes on my body to cover my parts. I get up slowly to fix my posture. "This is just impossible." I thought. I was this close to complete step one but it got carried away to the fact that I forgot to bring clothes. How stupid canI get these days. Are all the blood sucking making me more illiterate than ever?

Suddenly a butterly went over to my nose. It was nothing like a regular butterfly, it was beautiful. Its wings are in the shades of the colors of the rainbow. Even though I dislike rainbows, this one fits it's form perfectly. It's wings flutter and began to fly away. I chased it down, wondering why but I felt like I had to.

3rd POV

"Right into my trap." The woman laughes sinisterly as her hands applauded to the evil scheme she had done. "Come now princess." She mumbled and her grin grew wider from watching the princess following the butterfly she has controlled on. "Just a little bit more."

But her plans have failed as a man attempts to shout out her name and make her break free from the trance. "I'm coming!" Harry quickly went back to the tree and fit into the clothes. Then she ran to where the voice was heard.

This made the woman angry. "NO! THIS CANT BE!" She shouted. Her fists tighten as her anger rages and formed into her face. "ED!!" She called and a little dwarf man came to her, panting from all the running he has done apparently. "Yes malady?"

"Bring me my army." She said seriously. Ed bowed down and got the army full of butterflies out of their cages. They formed around their leader as their wings flutter into the air. "Bring me that girl." And they went away as commanded.

Harry's POV

"YOU. BASTARD. DONT. GET. NEAR. HER." With every word emphasized, I can see Louis punching the guy senseless from the ground. Niall called me in and let me witnessed every move that has been done. He didn't stop him because he knows he will get into Louis' rage and he might kill him by accident. But that didnt stop me at all.

"Louis stop!" But he didnt listened. I ran to him and tried to pull his arm away but Niall blocked me. "Dont." With one word, i obeyed completely. It didnt take long until Louis was done. The man was lying unconscious, blood from his nose and lips are pouring down from his face. His eye turned into a shade of black and it looked swollen as the other one struggled to be kept open.

"I thought you were burned in hell. How did you survived." Niall asked, eyes narrowed to the mysterious man. "You two really did forget. Hello? Powers? god? Doesn't ring a bell?" "Nope it doesn't ring mine." Niall said.

"I don't care if you're the sex god." Louis made a 'tsk' sound and remained not looking at the person's eyes. The man moved a little to make himself into a comfortable position. He looked at me with a smirk crept in his face. "You seem to care dont you? My little bunny."

"I'm sorry, rabbit? And who are you to call me that?" I said with disgust. I am not a bunny nor someone's own possession, and Louis does not own me just saying." Louis rolled his eyes at me and I think Niall chuckled a little. What? I say what's true. "I dont think I introduced to you politely, have I?"

"If almost getting raped by you is not your way of introducing yourself 'politely' then no. You did not." I said as I put my hands on my hips amd looked at him angrily. "I can't help it actually. Those are what I call... My god sense, bunny." He said with a smirk. I am this close at trying to kill this person infront of me. This close.

3rd POV

"Come on, we need to get a move on or the council will know." Louis said. "Niall, stay here and keep her away from him. I'll be back with the basket." Louis ran back, picking up some speed and left the three. "Hey Niall, who is this guy anyway?" Harry whispered at Niall, avoiding the contact of the 'god' who's looking at her hungrily. "He's not what you think he is....."

Niall's words were interrupted as a group of butterflies flew directly at Harry. They took her away from Niall and suddenly vanished in to thin air. "Shit." Niall muttered under his breathe as he started to panic. The god laughed at his looks as Niall glared at him, panic starts to grow even more inside of him.

Harry was taken away into the lady's coven. She was trapped in a circular cage made of the strong vines. Not the regular ones but the magical. Harry had fallen asleep due to the powder that the butterflies had casted. The lady, dressed in a strapless lilac dress, long enough that it does not just touch the floor but exceeds even more with a tear from her bottom side that showed one of her legs.

Her flowercrown, composed of roses and daisies, and a big pair of colorful butterfly wings to match. "I have finally caught you." She said with a devilish smile. She let out a laugh and called for Ed. "Prepare me my things. I want to start tomorrow with her." Ed bowed down and mumbled a 'yes madame' and did what she said.

What is she planning to do with Harry? Can Niall save her alone or with the help of a companion?
A/N: sorry this is short because my mind is running through some writer's block thing

I hate it because it usually happens all the time plus sorry for the late update because I just arrived from getting my dad from the airplane! Yey!

I really want to be on hiatus but to be honest I wanna update this even more. I'm getting more and more alive because of all the comments and the number of votes you guys give.

Please don't stop supporting this, I truly really love it you guys :)

I'll update as soon as I can.

Bye guys! :)

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