Chapter 13

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Harry's POV

What should I do now? I have nothing to do than just sit and wait. Sit and wait. Sit and wait. Well I'm bored. Now that I think of it, My hands and feet are chained and a part from that my energy is draining again. I need those berries. I really need them so much!!

The door flung right open and revealed Niall that looks like he's been through alot lately. "You." He said to me. "Me? What about me?" I questioned as my right eyebrow raised and turned my expression into a confused one. He broke the chains with his hands and carried me to sonewhere. We were fast and I didn't got a glance of the building we're on. Apparently we're at the forest once again after a few seconds of running.

"I need you for something important." I laughed a bit. Me? Again? Let me guess, blood to satisfy your hunger? Well I'm about to go out of stock for it. "No it's not blood. This is about Louis." He said as he got to a state where he is very caring for a fellow vampire. "That, excuse me for my language, bastard who almost got me killed because he keeps on draining my blood out of my body? No way. I gave him what he wants already. If you're--"

"No.. Just let me speak here for a moment." I stopped at my blabbering for a second and listen intently. "Louis is... well yes a bastard if that's what you call him... but I know there's something in him that is very sweet and caring. I need you to do me a little favor to ease his hatred and cold heartedness for me." I put my hands on my waist and gave him a solid stare for a minute until I opened my blabbering mouth. "No, absolutelty not! I would rather have my blood suck than help a guy like him."

I started to walk away but he grabbed my arm. "Please? Just this favor and you could...." He stopped for a minute and sighed deeply. "You could go back to your parents." He begged. All I know is that the word no is understandable to him but he is not giving up for his friend. That's sweet. "I'll think about it.... wait... no.." I said and tried to pull my arm out of his hand. "Please! I promise you will return to your family immediately."

"And why me? You are his friend why don't you do it yourself?" I cocked my head up maintaining the emotion I held. "Because you're more fit for the task than me. Please? Please please please please?" His eyes turn into those puppy dog eyes. I hate this. I am slowly sucked into his cute stare. "F... Fine! You win."

He fist punped the air and said a yes out of cheerfulness. "Tell me...what's the favor?" "Be his girl."

"Okay then...Wait what? No. No no no no and no! Anything but that." I should have known, accepting a favor from a vampire is just gonna get me hurt. And injured if that's included. "You already agreed to our conversation. If you make him fell for you then he will slowly, well maybe, soften his feeling about your kind."

"No Niall. Love doesn't work that way. Love is like growing a flower. You have to dig a hole first not harvest it already." He stomped his feet like a little kid and whimpered a little. "Oh come on! You will probably develope feelings for him if you just give him a chance."

"Chances are for those who deserve it Niall." I explained but he still won't stop bothering me about it. "Please please please please!! There's no other choice than this I swear. And it's the only one I have left." He made a praying sign with his hands and begged. This boy, I swear, is overloaded with cuteness and a dash of annoyance. "Ok sure! Ok. Just stop with the pleading."

"Ok here's the plan. First you need to talk with him. Make small chats--" I made him stop and posed an awkward feeling. "Hold your horses Niall. I agreed to our little conversation but it didn't involve on how I do it. Let me okay?"

"You sure? Louis is pretty picky around girls. Despite his charming looks, he is really on his high standards."

I've been insulted a little. So meaning I am not up for his kind of taste? Me? Princess Harry Styles? No. That does not do. I'm sure I'm up for it. "Don't tell me that. I'll make him fall for me. I'll make him kneel down infront of me if I have to."

"Dominant type huh? I like it." Niall chuckled and I punched his arm hard. "That didn't hurt. You forgot I am not human right?" He said. I did and I really hate it when someone is right and you're wrong. "Shut up!"
A/N: Short I know, I'm sorry about that. Lately I found myself thinking (I would reference!) is that I'm getting really really really slow at updating.

I think I've been more onto twitter than wattpad so... sorry about that.

I'll update more often. But it's not a promise though cuz I suck at making promises.

Hope you like this chapter please do vote,comment and continue on supporting this story I very much appreciate it.

I'll see you guys at the next chapter.

Bye! :)

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