Chapter 10

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I have been here for a day with no food nor water in sight. Not knowing where I am is gonna help me keep company. But wondering what the whole kingdom is doing right now is something. Are they looking for me? Are they searching everywhere? Are they coming to who knows where I am? I heard a knock from the door and it opened with a creaking sound.

"Hey...." A blonde guy with blue eyes said holding a plate of a human's heart. "I brought you food." He knelt down and pushed the plate towards me. "No... I won't eat this..." I said with full of emptiness. As a human, I can't eat a part of my own kind. It's disgusting. "Yeah but you haven't eaten all day." He said. "And you feel sorry for me? I thought you vampires are cold-hearted." I said. I didn't look at his eyes. His eyes are full of pity. I hate looking at them. The problem is, if I look at them maybe they'll deceive me. "Atleast eat even just a piece. Please?" I shook my head in a no.

"I'd rather die in this rotten place." I huffed. He frowned then went away. Once again I'm inside a room, alone.

*3rd POV*

"Louis." Niall came closer to Louis walking by the corridors. "Ohh.. Hey. Sup?" He said. Louis went pass him but Niall suddenly grabbed Louis' arm and gripped it tight. "You know why I'm here Louis.... let her go." He shooked his head then looked at him with bloody eyes. "No can do." He snatched his arm away from Niall and went away.

Niall glared at him. He has nothing to do because of the fact he is just a weak vampire unlike Louis.

*Liam's POV*

Damn it. I'm hungry. What else can I eat in this forest. The eagle was not enough to satisfy my hunger. I need more. I heard a sound at my back. Like a twig has been broken by someone's footsteps. My eyes turned another shade of dark blue, my claws suddenly grows and sharpens. I saw a shadow running away and I chased it.

I ran but the shadow is too fast for me. This is not a human nor an animal, I can sense it with my nose. It's one of my kind.

Harry's POV

I coughed badly and my body started to ache more. I'm getting weaker and weaker by the minute. And not just that, I am going to faint sooner or later. This is not good at all. The door swung open. I can't see clearly who it was, my eyes fluttered and are too tired to open them widely. I can feel the cuffs slowly removing the strong grasp around my wrists.

"Eat up. I don't want to find another prey." He said and passed me a plate of what seems like berries. I ate them all up. Somehow my hunger is already satisfied. "Those are not just ordinary berries you know." He said and crouched down to my level. "You humans are still the sam as ever. Weak, coward, worthless." He cuffed my hands once again and this time he blindfold me. "You're gonna like this. Actually just me."

He bit my hand and sucked all my blood. This time it's different. He took longer than before. I moaned out loud, the pain is hard to endure. He then covered my mouth to prevent me from screaming even louder. "Thanks for the dinner." With that, my eyes are left blindfolded, I'm in the same place, same position, but different feeling.

*3rd POV*

"Father..... please eat your dinner." Gemma begged at him infront of the dining table. "No...I won't eat til I find my daughter. I won't eat...... I won't eat." The king began to say the same words over and over again. Both Gemma and her mother are worried sick, not just for Harry but for the king as well.

A/N: Yeah sorry for the late update. I'm busy with my exams now so maybe I'll update after exams. Hope you understand.

Thanks for all your support and votes hope you keep on doing that and if you will, I want to communicate with you all if possible :)

That would be awesome. Till the next chapter, bye guys! :)

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