04 Fateful Night p.1

Start from the beginning

However, the response he got was either mild disagreement or indifference.

"Nah, I'm sure it'll be fine," was Yuji's non-chalant response.

"Many of my friends are going to that Romeo and Juliet play so my choices are limited so might as well, right?" Shinji speaks out, much too lazy.

"We wouldn't want just ANY student to join Sakura's secret birthday right? I think it should just be people she can consider friends who should join," was Shirou's considerate answer.

And finally the birthday girl herself timidly mirroring everyone else's thoughts. "I-if Shinji-nii, Yuji-nii and Sempai are all ok with it... I'm fine with it."

Issei groans but groans even harder after seeing Rin's smug mug.

"Ugh, don't say I didn't warn ya."

With a sigh of defeat, Issei accepts Rin's signed paper and tells everyone, "I believe that is all. Since most of you here still have something to do, I think our thing we're all done for now. Meeting adjourned."

All six people in the room then left. However, Shirou then breaks off from Yuji, Sakura and Shinji, saying, "I'll catch up with you guys in a bit. I just promised miss Kazuta I'd arrange her papers."

Yuji waves Shirou off, saying, "Just don't be late, buddy," before leaving alongside his cousins-turned-siblings

Later that afternoon, Shirou could be seen filing away the cabinets while his purple-haired English teacher, Kazuta Madeline, or Maddie for short, was preparing to leave alongside a homeroom teacher with a constant stern expression, Soichirou Kuzuki.

"Again, I cannot thank you enough for helping with this Emiya-kun." She says as she places the last of her lesson plans in her bag.

Shirou, being the helpful guy he is, merely brushes this off her words, saying, "Of course. I promised to didn't I? Besides, with how busy you two were with helping prepare for the English play, I think getting to drink with your friends tonight is well earned."

"Let's go now Ichi-kun~"

Shirou then rolls his eyes, saying, "Save the nicknaming after the alcohol you two, you have only a whole night to yourselves and another two months of extra work or so, so make the most outta it," teasing his teachers to which the Ms. Kazuta pouted at.

However, as the two left, Ms. Kazuta stops by the door one more time, telling Shirou, "Say, are you sure you don't want to join the play? You and that Sakura girl you're dating would make a great Romeo and Juliet."

Shirou flinches as his ears turn red. "W-What!? We're not dating at all! We just like to hang out is all!"

The purple-haired teacher lets out a smug, "fufufufu," as she leaves knowing she's avenged herself from Emiya's tease earlier. But instead of making it all about revenge, she then genuinely offers, "but seriously, there's still a week and the offer still stands. Think about it okay?"

Shirou nods, still red in the face prompting the teacher to finally leave.

The hours pass as Shirou diligently continues to arrange the locker that seemed to have been hastily shoved in. As he did so, he muttered in denial at the words of his teacher.

Eventually while sorting through the various things inside, Shirou stumbles upon three books. A translator from Greek to English, a book on modern English slangs and a translation book on English to Japanese.

To this, he merely shrugs, chalking it up to the fact that to the one time Ms. Kazuta explained her purple hair being a rare occurrence even among Greek-Japanese like her. While it seemed nonsensical, the way she spoke made it seem so believable... as if it was like one of those television hypnoses. Besides... Shinji and Sakura have purple hair, and Yuji even has pink. Who was he to judge?

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