• Chapter Ten •

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A full three months had passed since Lance's and Luke's deaths, and it seemed as if Ghostface had really vanished for good. The group of friends, the ones that were alive, had pretty much fallen apart too. One of the reasons being that the local college switched to online classes for the second semester, meaning that they didn't get to see each other that often. Another reason being that some of them managed to get jobs, one of them being Maxis, who was had gotten a part-time job at a local gas station.


Present Day

Maxis was behind the counter at work and was constantly looking at the clock on the wall. It was almost time for her to clock out and have her upcoming days off.

"Thank god." She muttered, seeing that it was finally time.

After clocking out, she stepped outside of the little shop and scanned the parking lot. She groaned a few seconds later, seeing that her brother's car was nowhere in sight. Usually he would've been there to pick her up, but he wasn't for some reason. She'd pull her phone out and text him, asking him if he were coming. There had been no answer, so she assumed that maybe he was driving.


About thirty minutes had passed and Kyle still hadn't shown up. Maxis grumbled as she checked her phone, seeing that he hadn't read her messages, either. After that, she'd text Shannon and ask her to come pick her up. Much like with Kyle, Shannon didn't respond to the text, either.

At this point, Maxis was getting pretty fed up. Pinching the bridge of her nose, she grumbled, "Oh, you've gotta be fucking kidding me."

Not bothering to wait for either of them to eventually answer, Maxis called Evan and he answered within seconds. She'd explain her predicament and asked Evan for a ride, to which he obliged. Not even ten minutes later and Evan was already at the gas station to give her a lift.

"Thank you." Maxis said upon entering Evan's car.

Evan smiled and nodded, "No problem," he began to pull out of the parking lot, "it's kinda weird that neither Kyle or Shannon would come, though..."

Maxis nodded and grumbled something under her breath. She had already been in a bad mood because of work, and this whole mess didn't help.

Evan could tell she was pretty tense, "How about we all go out for dinner?" He suggested, "Like, you, me, Jonathan, Joey, maybe even Kyle and Shannon?"

Being surprised by the impromptu invite, Maxis thought about it for a few seconds and then shrugged, "Sure, I guess?"

Evan smiled and nodded, "Alright, I'll text the others when we get to your place." He said as he drove.


Parking on the side of the street, Evan and Maxis could see that there was someone standing outside her house. It was Joey. He was looking at the front door and judging by his stance, he seemed a little bit annoyed. Both Maxis and Evan got out of the car and started approaching Joey and the front door of the house.

"Joey? What are you doing here?" Maxis asked, her brows furrowed a bit.

"Your brother invited me over like thirty minutes ago and he hasn't answered the fucking door." Joey grumbled and huffed in annoyance, having turned around to face the other two.

Maxis raised a brow and looked at the text on Joey's phone, sighing afterwards, "Let me go in and see what the fuck he's doing..."

Joey nodded as he watched Maxis unlocked the front door and enter the house. She'd then shut the door, leaving him outside to wait. Meanwhile, Evan walked away and headed back to his car, where he would text Jonathan, giving him an invite to dinner.


As Maxis walked inside the house, she looked around and noticed how quiet it was. She sat her house key down and noticed some of Kyle's belongings, such as his shoes, sitting on the ground beside Shannon's bag.

"Hey, thanks for picking me up, asshole!" She called out, referring to her brother as the asshole.

Not too long after she voiced her frustration, Maxis swore she heard something. Whatever it was, sounded muffled as all hell. Then, it happened again, and again. It was almost like a tapping or, prehaps, a thumping sound.

Maxis tried to listen closely, focusing on the noise every time it occured. It was leading her to the basement door. As she approached it, she took a look at the wall across from it, mindlessly staring at the patched hole, from where Ghostface's knife had gotten stuck, months ago.

Quickly shaking her head to clear her thoughts, Maxis turned her attention back to the door, reaching for the knob and slowly turning it, until the door was open.


A/N: Well damn, I wonder what's going on? I guess the only way to find out, is to stick around for the next chapter >:) Until then, stay safe and peace out!!

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