Preparation 1

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Everything turned black..
I blacked out.

I opened my eyes to see myself in a big room.

It had a tv, table, couch, bed, nightstand and its own bathroom.
Irina stood by the door, just watching me.

"So you're finally awake?" She asked.
She took a step, and I just sat and backed off.

"Still in denial, мандра меа?" She asked again.
"Don't worry, I'll take care of you. In fact, I'll provide you all your needs. You're my girlfriend remember?" She added.

"I'm not your girlfriend." I gulped.

"Here, I got you a phone. But there's no cell service." She threw a phone at the bed.

I just shook my head and threw the phone back at her.
"I'm not just gonna settle for this, Irina."

"Look, you're lucky I didn't try to kill you, мандра меа. And I cooked for you, didn't I?" She raised her eyebrows and gave me a smile.

She's right, she did cook for me.
And weirdly, I can't get the taste off of my tongue.
I licked my lips, and it's still there.
The salty, flavory and savour.
The texture, I could still feel it.

"And besides, he tasted great, didn't he?" She added.
I found myself agreeing in fear and she just chuckled and left.
She locked my room and I just cried there.

I spent all 5 hours sulking and bawled up under the sheets. I didn't try to rage at all.

This is horrible, but it's like I don't wanna go.
It's like she put something on our dinner last night.
I'm stuck here. I just know it.

And her hazel-brown eyes; it's so lovingly addictive.
Her smile; it keeps me hooked.
It's strange, I know, and I hate myself for feeling this way.

I wanted to leave, but wanted to stay at the same time.
My thoughts are fighting.
Her taking care of me, and Her brutally murdering me.
I didn't wanna trust her just yet.

You know, I've watched a lot of movies like this to the point that I thought I knew how to avoid it.
But I hate the makers for always making men the prey. I didn't expect this at all.

Suddenly, a knock on the door swept me off my thoughts.
The door opened, and there was Irina with a tray of foods.

"I know you don't want to eat this, but I have nothing else and we're in the middle of the woods so... You just gotta adjust for now. I'll get you nice foods soon enough." She smiled sweetly and gave me my breakfast.

Breakfast in bed. Real nice.

"Thank you." I said as I looked up at her and smiled.
She left me a kiss on the forehead before exiting the room.

I smiled and swallowed when I realized that I can finally fulfill the longing of my tongue.
The taste. It's back.

I bit my lip before taking a bite.
I kept eating as I felt awful for doing so. I placed the tray on the nightstand after eating and found myself romanticizing such situation.
It's shit, I know, But it's just so addictive, like some sort of drug.

Later on when lunch came, I called for her.
She opened the door and spoke.
"You called?"

"Are you... Uhm preparing lunch?" I asked.
She looked at me with confusion before nodding.
"Yes. Yes, I am." She replied

"C-can I..." I paused, rethinking.
"Hmm?" The way she hummed it was somehow attractive. Maybe my friends were right, I am weird.
"Watch?" I continued.
She chuckled before handcuffing me and taking me to the kitchen.

"Look, I don't trust you enough just yet, Delilah. I'm gonna have to chain you." She said as she chained me onto a chair in the counter.
"I don't know what you want, but I can prepare you some liver. Like, liver spread you know? While I boil what's for lunch. And then I'll prepare the ones to sell." She added before heading to the fridge.

"You also sell?" I asked
"How else would I get a house like this?" She answered.

I watched her take out a whole human liver and head to the sink.
He microwaved it for 30 seconds before putting it in a grinder.

"How long does the meat you're boiling supposed to boil?" I asked
"It's a huge load, I'm sending some to a friend so... Maybe an hour? It's too frozen and it has bones in it so, I gotta soften em so it won't be hard to slice." She answered as she poured out the liver and placed it on a food processor.

"Do you like garlic?" She asked.
I nodded.
She took a clove and peeled it before placing it in the processor along with the liver.

"Now we add salt, bay leaf and a little pepper." She seasoned the mixture before turning on the machine.
"Lemme just make toast."
She placed 4 loaves of bread in the toaster and waited for both to finish.

It eventually got done and she brought me the toast and the liver paste.
She handed me a plate and a butter knife.
"Serve yourself." She smiled as she made a sandwich for herself and so did I.

I took a bite and it was exquisite.
But it was also indescribable at the same time.
"This is so much fucking better than canned liver spread." I laughed as I munched.
"Right?" She chuckled before taking out two bottles of wine.
"Here, cheers."

"An entire bottle? For me?" I looked at her.
She smiled and nodded so I opened it up.
"Cheers." I said as I drank.

Мандра меа= my love

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