Shall We?

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"Oop! 15 minutes left!" She cheered as she checked her watch.
"You've been boiling that 45 minutes ago??" I thought she had just started when we were eating.
"Yeah, it needs to be prepared 2 hours later." She explained before clearing the counter in which we had our sandwiches on.

"Thanks for the meal by the way." I smiled.
She just nodded and gave me a peck on the lips.

"You know, I really like your smile, mon amore." She still had her finger on my chin and still lifted up towards her.
She stared into my lips then to my eyes.

"How many languages can you speak?" I chuckled which made her let go and laugh.
"Not much, but I can say "my love" in 5 languages. English included." She answered with a smile.

"Can I hear them?" I asked, pouting my lip and batting my eyelashes as a joke.
"Мандра меа, That's Russian. Mon amore, That's French. Mi amor, That's Spanish. Mahal ko, That's Filipino. And lastly, my love. It's English, in case you didn't know." She chuckled.

"You sound hot in Russian and romantic in French." I smirked before standing up.

"Is my Spanish that bad?" She joked before freeing my hands and putting back the handcuff.
She assisted me back to my room and on our way, I noticed cells.

"There's... Cells." I said nervously as I gazed through the hallway.
"Yep. Don't worry, you're not goin in there, Amor." She patted my back and continued walking.

"Are there people in there?" I asked as I slowly drowned in fear.
"Only one fourth of the cells." She answered before opening the door.

"I'll see you at lunch?" She asked, but I was in a trance from what I heard.
She has prisoners.

"Alright, I'll take that as a yes." She swept my hair off my face and left.
That's when I snapped out of my trance.

I knew I had to be out of here any minute now.
I banged the walls expecting for a prisoner to respond and luckily, someone did.
It was a girls voice.

"Calm down, lady." She spoke from her cell.

I fell down on my knees before panting in relief.
"I'm Delilah.." I spoke through sniffles as I started tearing up.
"But you can call me... Lilah. Lilah, you can call me Lilah." I nodded despite the fact that she couldn't see me.
"I'm..." She paused and started crying.

"Are you alright? Wh- You seem- What's making you upset." I started crying with her and started stuttering.
"I- I'll help you out."

"How? We're all prisoners, Lilah." I heard her lightly bang her head against the wall.
"There's no hope." She said with an exhausted voice.

"I'm not in a cell. I have my own room." I explained.
"You have a room???" She gasped in disbelief.
"I got stuck here with nothing but a plywood as a bed, no pillows and just a fucking toilet? But you got a room?"
She ranted.

"I- I don't know why, Corrine, okay? But I'll... I'll take this as an advantage for now. I'll gain her trust and shit too. Then I'll get you out, 'kay?" I smiled

"Thank you, Delilah. But despite having your own room and a little of her trust, it's no use."

"Look, I understand your lack of hope, you've been here for god-knows-how-long, But that doesn't mean we're completely out of hope." I tried to assure her, but it's no use.

"You picked to dance with the Devil, Lilah. You're lucked out. Yes, you're hopeful. Good for you. But that's only cause you're new."

I thought it was useless to keep her hopes up so I just stopped and laid down.
"Okay" I sighed.

Being alone here is boring so I decided to watch a movie.
She had all Marvel movies which was cool. I'm a big fan.
But then a movie caught my eye.
I decided to watch it considering the fact that I've watched all of Marvel's movies and shows.

It featured one of my favorite actor, Sebastian Stan.
The movie was called "Fresh" and luckily, it was horror.
And it was about cannibalism. I'm a big fan of the genre.
It also made me feel a little bit better because I was in the same situation.
But then, I got an inspiration and an idea on how to escape.
I realized how the lead was trying to gain his trust to escape.
I could do that too. She trusts me.
I can make it.

Right after the movie, Irina came knocking at the door.
"How's my love doing? Watching movies I see."

She peeked and smiled.
"Fresh. I love that movie."

"Of course you do." I laughed before standing up and walking up to her.
She laughed back and took my hand.

"Are you not gonna handcuff me?" I asked.
"Nope. Not even chaining you." She answered, smiling at me.
She keeps smiling. She's doing it on purpose.
"You give your trust away too fast." I joked.
"Want me to keep you in a cell then?" She looked at me dead serious.

She gave me a nod that says 'I thought so.'

We got to the dining table and it was set already.
Two wine glasses.
Two plates with a set of silverware.
Rose petals.
Some napkins.
And a bottle of wine.

"Take a seat, mi'lady." She pulled a chair and offered me to sit down.

"I prepared..." She walked towards the kitchen and slowly placed the dishes.
"Swedish Meatball."
"And lastly, a plain steak. But look, what makes this extra ordinary is that it's seasoned with mashed liver, heart fat, oil from fresh human flesh, garlic, salt, and is topped with rosemary."

"Sounds interesting."

"Now dig in, mon amore" she let our a breathy laugh as she wraps a napkin on her neck.
"What are we eating first?" I asked in excitement.

"I personally like the steak, but you can try the Swedish Meatballs; They're really good." She said as she placed some on her plate.
I nodded and smiled before taking some.

She was right it's good.

"So when are you going to chop me up?" I looked at her.
My question must've gained her attention for she looked at me strangely before turning stern.
"Look, I told you I don't have any plans to. At least not yet. But if you keep insisting-"

"No! I- I don't-" I cut her off.

After we finished, She gave me the plate of steak for me to try.
I looked at it for a few seconds before finally raising my fork.

I licked my lips and bit it before putting it in my mouth.
The meat was cooked properly.
Seasoned properly. The oily texture from the sauce she seasoned it with was exquisite.
I don't know what I'm tasting right now, But I think it's the heart fat. It's great.

"Did you get a lot of the sauce? It's what makes it flavory." She asked.
"mhmm" I nodded and kept eating.

See, I had a knife and I could've stabbed her.
But I didn't.

"I'll teach you how to prepare some meals soon, мандра меа" She looked at me lovingly
"But let's just dance for now." She added.

She dusted her clothes and walked up to me then planted a kiss on my lips before helping me up to dance.

She turned on the radio.

/*"Endless Summer Nights" starts playing.

"Endless Summer Nights. One of my favorites." I wrapped my hands on her neck as she snaked hers on my waist.
We started waltzing and our foreheads were touching, leaving our lips centimeters apart.
I can feel her breath on mine.
I can hear her heartbeat.
Suddenly, I found myself kissing her.

I wanted to kill her and escape.
But why can't I?
It feels like I'm under her spell or some sort.

"Irina, I think I've fallen badly in love with you." I stared into her lips, soaking in wine.
"So am I, Lilah. So am I." She smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2022 ⏰

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