Chapter 6: Thoughts

Start from the beginning

"Oi Eda!" I yelled as Eda had just finished selling a broken oracle while Owlbert sat in the back sleeping on a broken lounging chair.
"You done yet?"

"What of course not," Eda said with a smile as a customer came up to her immediately handing her money while holding some old junk they had found. "Business is booming now. Why are you bored already?" Eda asked sarcastically as I just flat-out ignored her and walked to the back of the stand where two lawn chairs stood with Owlbert passed out on one of them holding toys he was probably playing with earlier.
I took a seat as I watched Owlbert and customers who came by either looking or buying something.

Humans were weird in a way. Maybe it's just cause I am more knowledgeable than them, not to brag or anything, but they buy so much crap. Half the stuff I found useless even when I thought from a human perspective. Humans create junk to find ways to make life easier, which I understand except they end up being complicated.
Like Eda's phone, why the hell does she need two cameras on one side?
Humans, from what I see, have too much. They don't simplify and do the simple things.
I watched a fat man in a weird small vehicle-like chair move from Eda's stand to another and back instead of just walking which he was capable of as I had even watched him get up to browse a neighboring stall.

I could not help but pity the humans for their stupidity, going against my parent's teachings, as I kept watching amazed, and understanding why so much human trash ends up in our realm. Before long my attention changed back to a nearby piece of clothing Eda must have gotten from Luz as I remembered school and then the party as I felt a swell of pain come from my head on the nick of time

"Fuck.... I should just go to sleep before I think about the fucking summer paper I gotta do..."


"Wait so you're going to school on your vacation?" Amity asked as we both kept exploring the library... mini library... tent-brary together.
We walked around slowly making our way to the front while purposely avoiding people nearby since Stringbean chose to hold the Azura book and fly along with us in her bat form.
We held up a conversation ever since I came back. Ever so often Amity would glance around or stop to look at a book while chatting.

"Pretty much, Eda said it's a good way to get out of the house and explore. But I'm pretty sure it's just a way for her to get rid of us for a little while.

"Eda? Do you mean Edalyn Clawthorne? The one who owns The Owl House cafe?"

"That's the cafe's name? Yeah probably, you know Eda?" I asked as Amity stopped and pulled out a book glancing at the back of it before putting it back.

"Yeah, Eda's notorious for her cafe and the weird items she sells nowadays. But she is most known for her back door scams/dealing by older folks. My older sister works for her so you'll probably see her around," I nodded as we got quiet for once making me feel awkward standing there while Amity was looking at books seemingly not being fazed by the awkwardness.
Or maybe it was just me... either way I couldn't stand it.

"Soooo...." I leaned onto the shelf crossing my arms as Stringbean flew up onto one of the shelves that was empty. "You like to read huh," I said mentioning the two books she had in hand already that were large and thick. Amity looked at me and then the books before smiling.

"Yeah but I prefer Azura above all else though," she said still holding up a sluggish smile as she grabbed a book from the shelf once more over by Stringbean. She glanced at me from the corner of her eye before going back to reading the book's summary. "but...," she put the book back before grabbing another. "My mom doesn't think it's very educational so I have to buy them when I can and when I'm away from her."

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