Scene 2- The Suite and the Art

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"Hey, this suite's not half bad." Ezra slowly turned, inspecting the elegant but comfortably furnished suite where the droids had left them. "The beds look great for jumping."

Ezra Force-leaped through the bedroom door onto the nearest bed while Hera pinned Kanan with a glare.

"Okay, 'Master Mace Tachtol', you want to explain about those names you gave us?"

"Um, I'm in charge of the mission and I made the reservations?"

"A little more explaining in the explanation, please."

"Tachtol," Ezra offered as he launched into the air, "is 'Loth-cat' spelled backwards. It was my idea."

"What about Mace and Depa?" Hera demanded. "Do you want them to know you're a Jedi?"

"Well, I was going to have us be the Smith family," Kanan tried to explain.

"Yeah," Ezra chimed in as he bounced, "John, Jen, Suzy, Sam and Bob. I told him we could come up with something more exciting."

"Violet's not bad." Sabine plopped down on a plush, colorful couch.

Ezra grinned. "I knew you'd like it. It's a color and it sounds like 'violent'. Ryl is short for Ryloth and Garabob-"

"Is Garazeb with 'bob' instead of 'zeb'," Zeb growled.

"We couldn't think of any good Lasat names for you," Kanan said apologetically. "Well, if that's all settled, I think you kids should get busy gathering intel. We have about two hours until meal time and – Ezra, what are you doing?"

Ezra had wandered back into the main sitting area and opened a door on the far side of the room.

"Hey, look, I found a kissing closet!" Ezra gestured inside the small room. A white velvet lounge sat on a plush carpet. A small music droid perched on a table in the corner and flameless candles were tucked into several niches.

"It's a privacy room for parents." Kanan pulled Ezra away from the door. "This is a family suite. There's not much privacy in a bedroom with divider screens. Now, as I was saying, I need you, Sabine and Zeb to look around the ship. We'll see you at the Dining Hall in two hours."

Sabine narrowed her eyes. "You do realize you two aren't actually married, right?"

"What do you mean? Of course, we're married!" Kanan looked at Hera. "Aren't we?"

"I don't actually remember a wedding, Love," Hera admitted.

"All right, then. Do you, Hera, take me, Kanan to be your Jedi-husband?"

"Umm, sure. Why not?"

"And I, Kanan, take you, Hera, as my wife. By the power invested in me by the Force, I now pronounce us Jedi and wife. Now, everybody out so I can kiss my bride."

"But I was going to take a nap on one of those soft beds," Zeb complained.

"Take a nap on the Star Deck." Kanan flicked the door open and Force-nudged them out.

"If I were a Thrawn, where would I be?" Ezra pondered as he, Sabine and Zeb stood in the hall.

"If I were a Thrawn, I would either be fighting Rebels or looking at art," Sabine suggested.

Ezra pulled out his datapad and inserted his guest card. Swiping past the introductory messages and instructions, he came to a map showing all the ship's attractions.

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