🗒Realized too late now he might be gone🗒

Start from the beginning

Shinobus pov.

I heard a scream that woke me up. I peaked out of the window to see a faint figure carrying another figure. I decided to check Muichiros room where he wasnt there. It then hit me, the strong realization. The stalker got Muichiro. The poor thing probably forgot, i shouldve stopped him, I shouldve locked the door. Fuck, this literally couldve been fucking prevented.

I realized I had to inform J, so I ran out of the dorm and ran to the Parker mansion. It was an exhausting run but when I got there the door opened to Js two older daughters Jade and Yukiko. Jade had a bag of popcorn and Yukiko was holding an ipad. What were they doing up?
"Hey Shinobu" Yukiko waved at me.
"What are you two doing here?" I asked
"We hang out here every night, duh" Jade said in a monotone voice. "Anyway what do u need at 2 am?"
"Your mom, asap" I spoke. Yukiko ran upstairs immediately and Jade let me inside.
"Want some brownies?" Jade asked
"No thank you," I said, Jade nodded and ate the entire thing of brownies right in front of me. I saw J come down with Yukiko who was sliding down the stairs.
"Shinobu why are you here at 2 in the goddamn morning" J sighed,
"The stalker got Muichiro" I muttered. Thats when J screamed and her husband came running downstairs.
"THEY GOT MUICHIRO CALL AVERY CALL MELLO AND CALL NEAR" J screamed, her husband went to doing just that.
"He was kidnapped outside your dorm, right?" Js husband asked me.
"Yea I woke up to the scream, why the fuck couldnt I save him" I cried.

February 24th 2023

Genyas pov

I sat in my room, Ive been in here for a week without leaving. I couldnt leave until I knew where Muichiro was, its been so bad TIGZ has had to do promotions without me and ive been contemplating leaving the group. I cant believe hes really gone.

Theres no way he was really gone, was there? What has the kidnapper been doing to him the past month?

I miss him so much, I came to the conclusion that I liked him. Why did I come with that conclusion so late though? And what would the fans say? What if they're homophobic? What will sasaengs do? I cant go on with this much longer. Why didnt I remind him he had a stalker?

I felt warm tears coming down my face, the stacks of plates that Tanjiro got me so I could eat were staking up against the wall. Everytime i ask J if she found Muichiro she tells me no. What the fuck did this monster do with Mui.

My silent tear filled moment was ruined when my phone started ringing, it was J.
"We found Muichiro, get in the damn car we gotta go" J almost shouted. I hung up the phone, grabbed my gun, and ran outside to Js car. I have a gun because sometimes I help the task force catch criminals, and this was a criminal.

"Glad u left the dorm, Mellos already there" J said "Lets go"
J stepped on the gas and turned the police lights on, now she was going 56 miles over the speed limit.

Thanks to Js speeding and possibly drunk driving we were able to get to the location in what 10 minutes. When we got there I immediately jumped out of the car and went inside the abandoned barn.

There was a man in there, possibly taller than me. he had a knife on him and it had dried blood on it. Did he use that to hurt Mui? Fuck if he did im gonna kill him.
"Why is that knife covered in dried blood" I asked
"Muichiro is very disobedient" The man smirked. My eyes widened, this man needed to be locked up.
"Step outside" I spoke sharply
"Or what?" He teased
"Or im gonna shoot you" I said. Thats when J came in.
"Youre under arrest for abduction and grooming multiple minors in the past, step outside or I will kill you then and there" J Explained. She had her gun pulled out too. The man tried to run out the other way but I shot him. I then dropped my gun and ran up the ladder to Muichiro.

Muichiro was shaking, he had only a tang top on. He was covered in old and new cuts and was tied up in ropes. I pulled a pocket knife out of my pocket and started cutting away.
"Genya stop, hes gonna kill you, he said he would kill anyone who tried to find me" Muichiro cried "Stop crying, I beat him to it" I told him.
"What the fuck do you mean?" Muichiro whimpered. He hissed in pain, probably because of how tight the ropes were tied. They definitely burnt his skin or something, man im not a doctor.
"Well, he tried to escape so I shot him." I explained.

Eventually I was able to get Muichiro out of the ropes, and I brought him down the Ladder where Mello tossed me his favorite sweatshirt. Well, it was actually mine but Mui never gave it back. It might bring him some comfort which is what he needs the most right now.
"Js drunk, so im driving." Mello told us.
"Well, she kinda had a relapse," Mello elaborated. Muichiro was crying, I was carrying him,
"Muichiro did I scare you Im sorry" I whispered in his ear.
"Its ok G- Genya, Thank you" Mui sobbed. It breaks my heart seeing him like this it really does.

Nobodys pov.
Two months later.

After a long time of deciding Muichiro decided to not leave the Hashira and The Hashira has decided to take a group hiatus, TIGZ is not promoting until Muichiro comes out of hiatus because Genya is staying in Muichiros recovery dorm with him per Muichiros wishes. You know Genya could never say no to Muichiro, thats like trashing a mcdonalds or burning a Dami photocard.

The two of them looked at recent dating rumors on reddit and laughed, but both of them wished it were true. They laughed until Genya stopped.
"Would you date me?" Genya asked
"Genuine question?" Muichiro inquired
"Ye- Yeah sorry if I fucked shit up" Genya muttered
"Genya of course I would," Muichiro started "Youre handsome youre sweet youre so caring, and so brave, youre everything I could ask for"
"O- oh, really?" Genya gasped
"Yeah! why did you ask?" Muichiro asked. Genya looked at the floor, then back at Muichiro.
"Well, umm, you see, Ive had feelings for you since we were trainees and when you joined The Hashira things werent the same. And now that were here together right now my brain has been attacking me to tell you but I cant handle rejection so ummm, Yeah, want to date?" Genya said really fast, but Muichiro definitely understood because next thing Genya felt were muichiros lips on his.

After the kiss Genya was speechless and his face was red.
"Of course I would!

Hey flops, idk how long this took but it was really fun to make because I got the idol au inspiration thingy from another genmui fanfic but I actually forgot what it was. Tee hee sorry lol. Anyway, hope you enjoyed and shoutout to the person who gave me this idea and shoutout to the author of that other fanfic.



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