📝Julies official Genmui headcannons📝

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Hello flops, welcome to my official genmui headcannons to celebrate twice renewing their contracts. Get it Celebrate.

TW: Swearing, mentions of Bullying, mentions of Transphobia???, Mentions of Homophobia, Mentions of Ableism

Now that I have that out of the way, I will start with individual headcannons I will not be involving Sexualities or Gender identities because i dont want to and because I dont think that way. It will be a bit dark but I'll try to make it funny ig

He likes reading, but he forgets what he was reading where he left off and what it was about
Hes only cut his hair once in his life. His ends are really dead
He has a minecraft creative world that he builds stuff on constantly
He plays roblox and was a huge roblox kid, now he just trolls little kids because theyre weird asf sometimes
He was bullied as a kid due to his hair, people said he looked too much like a girl
He is probably neurodivergent besides amnesia so he probably faced a lot of ableism, he definitely did.
He keeps stan loona memes on his phone, and pictures of genya
On the topic of phones this kid forgets he has one. He only uses Imessages Snapchat Random free games and Minecraft.
He has a dreamcatcher album collection, some of the albums he got from sketchy sellers.
He actually Ults: Yoohyeon, and Dahyun.
He wanted to do dance lessons when he was younger but he didnt like the setting.
He was called Gay in middle school by cishet dudes who were homophobic and gay at fhe same time
His room is relatively clean except for his closet
He hates people who he considers to be "Stereotypical"
He also hates sour candy because it damages ur tongue
He plays royale high and is rlly rich its concerning
He has a mansion in bloxburg that has a whole basement trap where he traps kids
He loves animals but he is a little scared of little dogs.
Muichiro is very flexible

Genya acts all tough on the outside but hes a fucking pussy.
He hates reading but loves reading fanfics.
Wrote a really bad Light yagami x reader fanfic as a joke but it was unironically really bad
He likes death note and Halle is his favorite character
He stans Loona and his bias is Yeojin.
He also really likes Twice and his bias is Mina, this is because in a way Mina reminds him of Mui
Genya can kind of dance
Genya is taller than Muichiro, but Muichiro can still solo him, thats sad as fuck
Genya rlly likes Ado, his favorite song is Motherland
Genya is really allergic to pollen, He has bad reactions to it.
Genya is a really good cook, he often cooke for Muichiro because Muichiro has a hard time remembering recipies.
Genya is a theater kid, but he doesnt see himself doing it as a career
Genyas favorite song is aint shit by doja cat
Genya is big on twitter
Genya is a bad dancer
Genya is not very flexible
Genya wears eyeliner, Mitsuri taught him how to do it

Ship headcannons!!!!

Their first date was a picnic in a park but Muichiro found a secret spot there
Muichiro often tells Genya about all the stuff that happens with the hashira.
When the Hashira decide to go do adult stuff, Muichiro hangs out with Genya.
Cishet guys always hit on Muichiro thinking hes a girl and Genya fights them.
They have a playlist that they made together, they listen to it when theyre together.
on the terms of music, genya and muichiro have a very strong influence on eachothers music tastes
They definitely went to a Dreamcatcher concert, they ult dreamcatcher but have different biases and fav title tracks, the only thing they can agree on is New Days being the best bside
Genya is good at styling hair and often brushes Muichiros hair for him.
When they go shopping, Mui always has Genya reach for stuff. Even stuff Muichiro can reach.
They actually have a lot in common but they obviously have very different personalities.
Theyre both neurodivergent, lets face it.
They go to pride festivals with their besties during pride month.
They both find cupcakke remixes rather amusing, they sometimes blast them when Giyuu and Sanemi are "hanging out"
They got kicked out of a Walmart for blasting Flip That by Loona on the speakers.
They actually pull very good pranks, although they can be a bit cruel.

Thats all because this actually took me 6 days to finish!!!! Anyway stan Ado, and Loona

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