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Pls dont mind the song i put i love twice yk
I tried to work on this during directed study, but my brain had no interest and i couldnt rlly think. Before u shame me, i also didnt do my math homework.

Tw: Violence, mention of death (someone dies in the dream) Swears I DO USE THE R SLUR IN THIS

The nightmare
Genyas pov (April 27th 2022)

"Attention students, there is a lockdown. Intruders have entered the school" The intercom yelled. Everyone but Mui were here.
"WHERES MURICHIRO?" Inosuke yelled. Everyone hid in the secret little room there was as the teacher locked the doors.
"I'll find him" I said. The teacher shockingly let me go, which made me wonder if I was in a dream. Mrs Brewster definitely wouldn't let us out in a lockdown, im sure she would be the one to find Muichiro. We cant just leave him to die in the hallway.

When I got out the classroom I ran as fast I could downstairs. I remembered that the third floor bathrooms were out, people trashed the bathrooms and carved slurs in the walls. I ran downstairs as fast as I could, but I didn't know how many intruders there was. When I got off the stairway, I saw a kid being held by the shirt with a gun pointed to his head. It was Muichiro, my heart dropped.
"PUT ME DOWN" He yelled, he had never yelled before.
"You knucklehead. You should've just stayed in class" The man with the gun said. "Cant believe a high school kid is such a retard shed go to the bathroom at this time, the boys bathroom"
I felt my blood boil, Muichiro is a boy. Isn't it obvious?
"PUT HIM DOWN" I yelled, I ran up and tried to kick the man but he dodged me. Instead I fell straight on my face.
"Look kid, If you don't go to class I'll shoot your stupid ass friend in your face" The man threatened "If you do, who knows"
"He's not my friend, he's my boyfriend." I snapped "And he's not dumb, Mui is very smart"
Thats when the man shot Mui in the head. I watched as Muichiro fell to the ground, and the man ran away. I also saw police coming from the stairway I came from except they were coming from downstairs, I came from upstairs.
"Mui, you cant die on me" I almost cried "Cmon were only freshmen this isn't fair" I tried to hold in my cries, but I couldn't. Then and there I started sobbing hysterically. My boyfriend, the love of my life was dead. All because of that bastard. I was so angry, I wanted revenge but I didn't know how.

Outside of the dream
Muichiros pov (April 28th 2022 at 3:38 am)

I heard sobs, thats what woke me up. I just remembered that I was sleeping over at Genyas due to my uncle being busy at work. I decided to sit up and see what was going on, I turned over and saw Genya sobbing. He must have been in the middle of a nightmare so I had to wake him up somehow.

I tapped his face, that didn't work so I violently shook him until he finally woke up. He shrieked
"Shhhhh" I hushed "Its just me" Genyas tears came back as he hugged me, super tight. Almost as if he were trying to save me from something
"Mui I'm sorry...... You, you were shot and I couldn't save you..... you're alive though, you're ok, Are you?" He said in between sobs. I shushed and rubbed his back, trying to help him calm down.
"Lay back down Genya, try to go back to bed. Genya did as I said, instead this time he wrapped his arms around me and buried his face in my hair. He does that a lot, he didn't seem to be calmed down much. So I decided to take his headphones and plug them into my phone.

I put on What Is Love by Twice and put the headphones in his ears. Mitsuri would be proud of me, but it seemed to help Genya calm down a lot. Sooner or later I ended up falling asleep too.

Honestly this is literally a quick run that I had little interest in doing but I did anyway. Sorry if it sucks lol ive done better. Anyway, I wont be able to update much next week because I'll be in shop and I dont have a long ass directed study period in shop week, but I will try to write something even if its just headcannons or a shitpost.

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