Chapter twenty six

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Novas POV

" Scarlett?" And she answered " I don't know I mean yeh I can see it" and I paused so she sees it too " is it normal?" And she nodded " why wouldn't it be?" And for some reason this isn't convincing me. I know she's got no reason to lie but it feels like she is. " you'd tell me if there was something?" And she nodded " ofcourse"

Scarlett's POV

Well I just lied straight to her face. Jesus Christ this is not gonna be good. How do I get myself out of this. I can't because she asked me and I said no. This is a party I seemed to have forgotten because Lizzie came to us and smiled " Robbie and jack  are off somewhere else" she said and I nodded but what do I do. I can't say anything yet and not here this isn't the place.

" nova?" Lizzie asked and she nodded " let's go sit down Scarlett I don't know how you're stood with those heels" and I shrugged " I'm used to it you know that" and I looked down at my heels I'm small so yeh there very tall. Nova is like a inch shorter then me but in these it's a lot more but she's wearing heels too which helps but hers are thicker.

We went to our table and Robbie was alreafy  sat down " ahhh the three rejoin" he said and I rolled
My eyes at him he's so perfect for Lizzie it's hard to believe that exists.well it does I have Ute ith Colin. And it seems my chil- I mean novs may have a admirer. I saw a girl staring at her ofcourse nova wildly see because she's facing me and Lizzie but I did. I can see her checking her out and I don't know but I'm very protective. She seems nice but I don't think she's good enough for my- I mean nova. Shit why do I keep doing that.

I nudged Lizzie to look and she did and then I saw her realise and smirk but just as quickly she turned concerned ans then she was matching me with a protective face. " novs?" Ans she nodded she seems to just be listening to yeh music and tahts it not aware of the attention. " you've got an admirer" she said moving her head nova looked very diffused and then turned to see the girl, they both went red and turned away from each other. " go talk to her" Robbie said ans I nodded I may be protective but I what her to get out there. " nope" nova said and I tilted my head "
I don't wanna flirt or do any of that if I'm not actually looking to date teh person and yeh she's pretty but I don't have time right now for a relationship of that sorts" she said Kirk it's a matter of facts that she didn't wanna date. Which maybe it was and I just didn't realise? As Lizzie is Lizzie she has to ask " why don't you go get her number though for future?" Ans she shook her head this kiss stubborn " no thanks like I said I'm not leading her on" and we nodded she has every right to say no. Novalie was offered a drink by the waitress and we'll she didn't hesitate on taking it. The only reason I even cared was I hope we didn't make her upset.

The rest of the evening wasn't very eventful. I wrote a check for the charity we were here for so did the rest and when nova seemed bored of it all. To be fair I was bored too lucky fucking Colin.  He's coming to this thing alone next time.i can't be asked to do this for a very long time. " okay I'm getting out of here before we kill nova with boredom" I said getting up and I saw her eyes light up and then the fake pout " oh no I was enjoying myself" and Lizzie laughed getting up " that's the biggest load of shit. No one enjoys these things. They invite us all and then we have to show up because we look bad if we don't as it's for charity and they make it boring  so we fuck off faster and leave them a cheque quicker. Usually people leave more money the faster they leave because of the guilt." And nova raised her eyebrow " and how do you possibly know this miss Olsen" she said walking out with us. " my mother does it. It's very clever but when she does it I actually have to mingle and not just sit at a table and write a check" and I chimed in " so do I. Lizzie's mom could talk you into selling you're kidney" and everyone nodded in agreement because that women had proved that statement to me more then once.

Novas POV

"Let's get a McDonald's" Scarlett said Lizzie and Robbie were coming home in the car with us. They loved very close to Scarlett apparently but ofcourse as it seems with all Celebes they never just stay in one place. They live all over. Which is Mary many properties is a investment but they don't need to stay at them all. Anyway Scarlett got her wish because Lizzie agreed and said " fooooood good food not what they tried to pass as food" and I laughed whne she said that because the portions at this event were the size of my thumb. I'm not being funny but they were laughing at us no doubt.

I got myself a happy meal because I wanted you. Now you can imagine how upset and childish I got when I got a ball and the two grown women took it from me so they could play with it them selves. " so mean" I muttered I was being a. Child but the glass of champagne I had is mak h me have no control. I am a light weight so this isn't fair. And I'll definitely regret all of this but right now Evelyn trying not to do I'm doing. The other can hold there alchol better then me clearly. Scarlett had helped me out of the car but I refused to speak to her. I went straight past her and shook my head.

Silent treatment


Over a happy meal toy?

Remember to drink water

My messages are always open

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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