Chapter six

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Scarlett's POV

I could see it's all new and I get that it's all new. And there's a lot I mean I couldn't figure out where anything was and it's my house for god sake. I can't expect her to remember it all she likes just like me the more I look at her and all I can think about was how she's turned into such a amazing young women. I'm so proud of her it's unbelievable. She's done everything for her self and I know she's not come from a place of love because if that was the case she'd have not taken this job so fast. She'd have asked off more time of or she'd have mentioned them but she hasn't not really.

I got downstairs after leaving her to unpack not just her suit case but everything that's going on it's alllt she's moved to a new country with strangers no matter how famous I may be that's what I am to her. She's taking it a lot bette r then I'd expect but what can I say she's not Going to be predictable. I haven't even done this whole thing the way I usually do. I usually let the kids meet whoever is applying for the job first so I can see how they work with each other but novas different I don't want her to not get along with them I want them to be family. Nova is here to help me but I want her to strive for her own career but it seems that something I'll have to help her work on. I think she thinks this is all she can do when it's wrong she can do so much and I'm gonna help her with it all.

I'm really going to try and be there for her without her knowing. But I also gotta see if the police figure out if she's actually my little girl. I mean I should bring the detective here and make nova stand next to me that may solve the case.

Novas POV

It's happening. It's really fucking happening isn't it? Wow I just wow. Something doesn't feel right though but maybe it's the fact I haven't been yelled at in 24hrs? Yeh that's probably it I'm reeling from the trauma. I had unpacked a lot of my stuff before I went downstairs I had gotten mostly it all done just a few shirts that I needed to hand but yeh almost done. I was definitely bored now so I decided that I'd have to eat. That is one thing with me I somehow forget to feed myself. Now don't get me wrong I live food it's my favourite thing I Emma I am picky but I'd o love food. I just somehow forget to eat. And my body sometimes tells me I'm hungry or leaves me be until I'm staring and have no choice. Now I went down and I could smell heavenly creations. I don't know what it is but I want. I walked into the kitcehn and I suddenly realised I don't know how the food situation works? So I eta with them? So I make my own food? Do I buy my own food? Shit maybe that's something I should ask. I saw Scarlett turbans she smiled but her face dropped whne she saw I was lost in thought " hey what's up?" And I looked up at her " erm well I'm a little unsure about the food situation" and she looked confused dbut then she went wide eyed " oh nova I'm sorry I didn't explain properly. You're free to use whatever in the kitchen and as for dinner and meals of the day we'd like you to eat with us. Like I said you're part of the family now and we eat together." And I nodded slowly " but wouldn't you guys wnat time just as a family like" and she smiled " that family includes you now okay?" And I nodded " now sit I have made spaghetti if that's okay I should of checked if you ate meat?" And I nodded " i do eat meat so yeh. Erm it smells really nice if that helps" and she smiled eid splaying up the door " yeh well Colin loves it cold after he coke snack from work late so I had too. Poor guy he wanted to be here but work had a emergency with a part of the show" and I nodded " that's must be hard for him" and she nodded " yeh it doesn't help that he can't say no. They call him because he knows how to fix problems and he cares one of the many reasons I love him" and I smiled the way she talks about him you can see the love in her eyes and the way she talks it's sweet.

She gestured for me to sit and we started to eat. I wasn't exactly used to any of this but it felt nice. We'd finished the meals and I got up to clean which I heard " you don't have to nova" and I shrugged " it's kinda my job" and she looked confused " no you're job is to help me take care of the kids not become the maid" and I looked at her " usually parents want me to clean I just assumed" and she smiled taking the fishes from my hands " well I will never say no to you cleaning not really but that's not you're job" and I nodded I actually stood there dumbfounded. " close you're mouth or you'll catch flies" and she shut my mouth by moving my chin and I looked at her very confused she wa a laughing . This is what I see the mothers do with there kids or people do with people they care about why is she doing this with me?

I felt my phone start to vibrate and I looked down it said wicked witch🚩🫣
I just declined my mother was probably asking for more money or somat and now that I'm not there I don't have to bother. I did leave without really saying where I was going or what I was doing. I saw Scarlett turn away and put the washing in the dishwasher I didn't really say anything to her I didn't know if she'd seen.


I wrote this at work

Remember to drink water

My messages are always open

You're all beautiful souls and I appreciate you reading and supporting me

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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