you were going back home for christmas, so you had to pack up all your clothes.

rolling up your shirts, skirts and dresses and putting them neatly in your trunk, you smile in content.

putting some final things in, you grin, "i'm done! i win!"

the other two groan.

"dammit! i had one thing left" hannah huffs.

susan smiles sheepishly, "i still have like half of my stuff"

you laugh, making your bed and heaving your trunk off of it.

you look over to the two girls, "i'm going to go so i can say goodbye to hermione, ron, and harry. see you guys after break!"

you hurry over and hug the two girls tightly, them almost suffocating from your tight hug.

you scoop obanai up from your bed, putting him comfortably on your shoulder.

you wave happily at the two of them before hurrying out of your room with your trunk dragging behind you.

you had your hogwarts robes on like all the others who were leaving, your scarf wrapped warmly around your neck.

exiting your common room with goodbyes to a few people, a smile stays glued on your face as you stroll down the hall.

you look into your breast pocket as duck starts to wriggle.

"shh, duck! we'll be outside soon!" you whisper scold.

you 'oof' as you bump into a chest.

you stumble back slightly, your eyes squeezing shut as you're about to fall backwards, but a warm hand holds your back and holds you up.

you slowly open your eyes.

green eyes meet with grey ones.

a very handsome boy was standing above you, holding you up. his face was chiseled and gorgeous golden blond hair sit on top of his head.

you feel your cheeks instantly light on fire as you stand up straight, accidentally bumping heads with the boy.

you both hold your heads, obanai rolls his eyes from your shoulder, he had clung onto your shoulder as to not fall.

"yaaah! i'm sorrryyyy!!!" you squeal in embarrassment, holding your face in your hands.

the boy chuckles, rubbing his head slightly.

"it's no problem. you alright?"

you slowly peek out of your hands and nod slightly,

kyaaa! he's so handsome~!!

he smiles, "you're a hufflepuff too, huh? are you a first-year?"

your eyes direct over to his hufflepuff scarf and you nod.

"well, i'm cedric diggory. and you are?"

"ah, i'm [name] kanroji.."

he smiles, "well, i'll see you around, kanroji"

you both wave as he walks away, turning around last minute.

"i like your hair, by the way!"

your face lights on fire again, "th-thank you!" you squeak, obanai glares at him from your shoulder, which he doesn't seem to notice.

cedric chuckles to himself as he turns the corner.

you slump over in defeat,

just totally embarrassed myself in front of a handsome boy! wahh!

𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘁𝘁𝘆, 𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗿𝘆 𝗽𝗼𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘅 𝗱𝗲𝗺𝗼𝗻 𝘀𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗲𝗿Where stories live. Discover now