17: Two Couples + A Set Of Twins

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Little Note:

I love the fan art of Mirabel and her genderbent version ❤️-❤️

[[Name]; 15 year-old]

It is now Saturday and it's time for my double date with Camilo, Estrella, and Mirabel.

I jumped up and down excitedly, waiting for the two girls to show up. Camilo is with me, obviously, he's included in this date. My parents decided to tag along in waiting for the girls.

Mama turned me around to face her. She had a serious expression on her face as she talked to me.

"Remember [Name], if there are any humans talk shit about you—"

"Maul them like there's no tomorrow!" I finished for her with a big grin.

She grinned back and pet me on the head. "That's my girl." She cooed.

Behind us are Camilo and papa, who are staring at us blankly.

"Now I can see where her sadistic side comes from." Camilo blankly commented.

"Believe me, her mother is a sadistic woman but I still love her." Papa mused.

"Camilo! [Name]!"

All four of us turned our heads to Mirabel running towards us with a huge grin on her face. Behind her is Estrella, who is simply walking towards us with an amused smile on her face as she watch her lover run towards us.

"Mirabel! Estrella!" I call out to them, excited and happy.

I open my arms and Mirabel went into my arms and we hugged like there's no tomorrow.

Estrella finally arrived and stand next to Camilo, her eyes didn't dare leave Mirabel's figure.

"We're so lucky to have them in our lives, huh?" She asked, not looking at him.

Camilo nodded his head. "We're definitely lucky," He said and I looked at him with a smile on my face, my cheeks flushed a bit.

"Our miracles."


Walking along the road with all of us holding hands.

We hold hands in this order: Camilo, me, Mirabel, and Estrella.

Camilo and Estrella said that they should be on the outside to protect us. Mirabel and I thought nothing of it and just went along with it.

"What's our first stop?" Mirabel asked us and looked at me.

"Hey don't look at me, I'm not familiar with your town yet." I reminded her.

"We could go to the plaza and have breakfast?" Camilo suggested.

As if on cue, my stomach growled.

Quite loud might I add.

I feel my face flush in embarrassment while the girls laugh in amusement.

"Well aren't you a hungry wolf?" Camilo teased and I look at him to see a smirk on his face.

Letting out a small growl, I stick my foot out to him, making him trip and fell on the ground with a yelp.



Munching on a heck ton of arepas, all four of us are eating on a table with four chairs near the stall that we bought the arepas from.

Immediately, we started talking about each other.

"Did you know, Mi Bella and I started dating when Camilo left us every night for a week?" Estrella asked me, a smirk on her face while Mirabel blushed and hid her face behind her hands.

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