09: Two Markings

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Little Note:

I'm curious, please tell me how you find my book :D

Anyways, happy reading!


[Camilo; 15 year-old]

I let out a small yawn and get out of my room to start the day. The only people who are awake right now is probably me and Tia Julieta again.

When Tia and I revealed that I learned how to cook, Abuela decided to give me the chore to cook breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Saying how I need to get used to cooking for my future 'esposa'. I don't really mind cooking, I say it's a stress reliever.

I walked down the stairs and head to the kitchen to start preparing the materials and the food we're going to eat for breakfast.

I removed my ruana and fold it neatly, placing it on the corner of the counter. Rolling my sleeves up to my elbows, I turned the faucet on and wash my hands.

"Oh, Camilo, good thing you're up," I heard my Tia sigh in relief when she saw me washing my hands, getting ready to cook and help around the kitchen. "I need your help with breakfast, sobrino."

I chuckled, smirking. "I always help you with breakfast ever since you taught me how to cook, Tia Julieta," I told her. "Besides, I love helping you around the kitchen."

Once I dried my hands with a clean towel, Tia turned me around to face her, a proud smile on her face. "Who are you and what have you done to my mischievous, prank-loving, high and mighty Camilo?" She jokingly asked, holding my cheeks with her warm hands.

I chuckled yet again and placed my hands on top of hers. "People change Tia," I told her. "You could say that... I'm becoming mature."

She shook her head, a small smile on her face. "No, sobrino." She disagreed. "You are still fifteen, enjoy your time as a teenager and have fun."

"I can ask Mama to give you a day off for today. It's been a while since you had one, sí?" She added.

My eyes widen at what my ears just heard. A day off? That means I can be with [Name] the whole day!

A grateful smile appeared on my face. "I... gracias, Tia." I thanked her, giving her a hug. "Really, thank you."


Shifting into Dolores, I grab a plate and put a lot of food on my plate. Why did I shift into Dolores? It's so that I can steal my second servings, hehe.

We're going to eat outside today since the weather and atmosphere is good. When it comes to eating breakfast, I'd rather eat outside. Lunch, I'm fine eating wherever. Dinner, I'd rather eat inside.

While placing more arepas into my plate, my mind drifted off to the new mark that was on my neck, which was made by [Name] last night after I marked her.


"Can I mark you as well?"

"... What?"

I watch the snow haired girl move out of my lap to sit in front of me, an excited smile on her face. "Can I mark you as well, Cami?" She asked again.

I blush a dark red, recalling what happened mere seconds ago.

She moaned my name, I got turned on, she moaned my name, she was panting in ecstasy, she moaned my name, I bit her neck, she moaned my name— SHE MOANED MY NAME.

I let out an embarrassed whine and covered my face with my hands. "Aaaaaa." I breathe out and leaned back until my back hit the dirty ground. At this point, I'll gladly stay on this dirty ground until my unholy thoughts go away.

Mi Luna || Encanto [✔️]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora