Antigravity at the center of the island...For real?

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"A little warning next time." Dave grunted but the two men were too mesmerized to answer them. Glaring, Dave glanced at what they were looking at and cursed.

"A freaking Cornfield?" Ramus shouted in awe.

The cornfield was as green as ever and very tall. And like every cornfield, it was planted in a particular pattern. However, if you looked between it, at the end, you'll see more corn. This meant they were close but not close enough. The corn field could be for hours.

"We have to start moving." Brian said. "We might not have enough time. The other team might already be here. Let's-"

"Pair up." Marc finished then pulled Dave's hand just when he was about to reach for Ramus.

Dave glared at him and said, "What in fuck's name is this? Let go!"

"I don't want to." He said calmly as he glared right back at him.

Dave held his breath for as long as Marc just kept staring. He felt like if he breathed, it was enough evidence that he was falling for the stupid Asian man.

Brian cleared his throat, pulling Marc's attention away from him. "Come on." Brian said then went in. He didn't even look at Ramus once. There was really something wrong there.

Marc pulled Dave in and they quietly walked. When they pass through the fist ring, they realized that there was another ring. Annoyed, they walked into it and soon, the silence became awkward.

Marc pulled closer to Dave, successfully putting a space between the other two then said, "You've been acting weird lately."

He frowned then looked away, "Just tired."

Marc gave his hand a little squeeze and Dave couldn't help the blush that crawled up his face. Marc's hand was big and rough compared to Dave's but why was it that anytime Marc's hand moved in his, a burning heat erupted from his groin?

Dave laughed just thinking about last night. And to think Ramus called himself gay. If anyone was getting gay, it was him.


Dave had been acting strange since last night. Since the moment Marc held his hand. Every now or then, he would smile then frown then go completely red. Marc had wanted to ask what was wrong but he thought Dave would just insult him or crack some embarrassing gay joke.

Gosh, teenagers are complicated.

Some are like a ticking mine ready to blow.

They entered another ring and picked up pace because this time they could see the light.

Marc quickly glanced at Dave and said, "We are almost there. Hang tight."

"Next time, I'm not even doing this." He groaned loudly just as they came out to see Nathan's team trying to peep into a black hole on the floor.

There was a circular clearing with dead corn leaves around but right in the middle was a big black hole which drew their attention.

"You got here first?" Brian asked as they walked closer to the other team but stopped just in front of the strange black hole.

"Yeah." Doug said breathlessly. "We ran the moment we saw the cornfield."

"Talk about stressful." Michael wheezed.

"So then it's the house." Dave groaned. "I knew I shouldn't have bothered."

Brian rolled his eyes then said, "So now what? We are at the middle."

"Yeah, what now?" John asked as he took a step back from the hole. "That shit looks scary as fuck."

Nathan cleared his throat then got down to remove his shoe. "The last part of the card, I didn't it read out."

The Gay Project.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant