Another edible a/n <3

722 21 14

now playing • heat waves; glass animals ♪

Infamous quote:




anyways hi <3

So. ...... Yea how's your life been going? Bc mine has been super packed -- more than I thought it would be. BUT ANYWAYSS

I read all your guy's lovely comments on this story while I was away when I had time and when I installed Wattpad for the few hours I had it.. 😭

Yes. I did, in fact, check on this story now and then but never had the time to fully write this message to y'all.. sheesh. UGH ILY GUYS FOR STILL READING THIS EVEN AFTER I COULD'VE BEEN DEAD.

Soryryryr buuuutt school,,,,  bro is already getting me busy and it just started ahA. I know I should've wrote over the summer but it looks like that also took a lot of time from me 😭. I've had a lot of time to work on my mental and physical health and rn I'm currently working on getting healthier and fixing my diet?? SORRY THAT WAS OFF TOPIC AND WEIRD I APOLOGIZE ☠️. But I really enjoyed it and had some time away from social media! I hope you guys understand why I've been gone for this long but I truly do appreciate all of you for reading this and actually enjoying it like,,, pls. MY WRITING WAS SO BAD I XANT BREATHE. I would say my writing has improved LOTS? HOPEFULLY? idk it probably is the same LMAO ☠️ but I hope it improved. I mean school English poems are ... Interesting and makes my brain go 👁️👄👁️✨


AHEM. But with the time I had I recently got into mha... Yes. Ignoring the fan base (most of it) the anime itself is really good and I stan deku and basically the main three. If I have the time, (I don't wanna get ahead of myself here which is why I'm saying if) I'll do a izuku x reader possibly? Maybe idk. I came up with a whole backstory and everything in ten minutes what ☠️

BUT AS FOR THIS STORY. I will try to write the next chapter and see what happens from there. I already started it dw, I started it a while ago actually, Like, WAY LONG AGO, but again I didn't have time or forgot to work on it 😭. So we'll see what happens guys ! Same goes for my other story (the hanako x reader) bro my writing was even worse in that IM SO SURPRISED PEOPLE STILL READ THAT STOP IT RN,🧍‍♀️

but you'll probably see more of a izuku story of anything bc if I'm being honest I have to dig back in my memory to remember most of the story plot for this Xiao x reader. I know. It's embarrassing and stupid of me ☠️


what a dumbass lmao


HELP IM SORRY. I KNOW I KNOW I DIDN'T FORGET ALL OF IT COMPLETELY DW ITS MY BRAIN SOMEWHERE. But if y'all are interested in mha I'll plan a book for that later hopefully, if I have ✨time✨.

But yea. I'm super sorry I haven't been here for months on end and I truly appreciate everyone who's read and stuck this far with the story. It means so much to me and it makes me emotional </3

I think that's all for now tho?

So then, until I see y'all next time,

Bye <33

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2022 ⏰

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