Dreams are just strange

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No.1: the weird camp/castle/prison

The dream 

Me and my year (I was in yr 5)  Also some on the boys' mothers from class were there, so we were headed to a summer camp but when we got there it was completely deserted. But we had no where else to sleep so we stayed. Then there was a weird scene were we used ladders to get over a wall and I fell over. Then we went into a castle full of peeple (I can't remember) and their ruler turned like all of the people with me into stone but I escaped and ran away. So like in my dream around five years has passed and I'm still there. Long story short I free my peeples with the help of others(I think?) and we all run away.

No.2:Harry Potter Themed Dream

I was sitting on the curb and a little boy around my age (I'm de-aged to eight like the little boy) comes running away from something.

I say " hi." He looks really scared. I say "there's nothing to be afraid of. My name is [insert name], What's yours?" And he was like " my name is Draco Malfoy" so we sat there for a bit and then we just made some small talk.

So then he came there on every few days and we became good friends. Then his father told him that he couldn't see me any more.

Then I woke up.

Some chaotic dreams of mineWhere stories live. Discover now