"What did you two find out?" Rossi asked into the phone "The unsub doesn't have and age or sex preference and all four kids where severely abused before they where killed" Hotch told them. "Weirdly only the girls were sexually assaulted" I said "Why take the boys then?" Rossi questioned "That's what I want to know" I replied. "You two check out the rest of the dumpsites, me and Prentiss are gonna head back to the precinct to see what the others have found" Hotch said then hung up.

We got back into our SUV and drove back to the precinct. When we got there we met up with JJ and Spencer, "What have you got?" Hotch asked, getting straight to business. "Well if we look at where the bodies were dumped and where they were taken from then we draw a circle around those points you get a rough hunting ground" Spencer said stepping back from the board.

"Garcia what do you have?" Hotch asked, turning to face our other team member, "Well I have the names, ages, family members and where they were taken from" She replied "Okay give it to me" I said. "Okay victim one is ten year old Oliver Martin, he was taken when he was walking home from school. Victim two is seven year old Robyn West, she was taken from the park. Victim three is six year old Lewis Hale, he was taken from his backyard when mum went to answer the phone. And the final victim is 12 year old Maya Nadir, she was taken whilst she was walking the dog alone. The dog was tied to a fence but she was nowhere to be found when they found it" Penelope told me.

"What other kids have been taken?" I asked "The detective gave us all the files that they have connected to this case" JJ said "This one is the worst", JJ handed me a folder and I opened it up and frowned. "That's new, he's never done that before" I said "What?" Hotch asked, so I passed him the folder. "He killed the whole family" Hotch said "Yeah but took the daughter and so I had Garcia look up everything about this family." JJ said "What did you find?" I asked Garcia.

"Okay well the two kids are Adam and Amy Maverick and the parents are Lisa and Mark Maverick. I looked on all social media and found Adam socials and Mark and Lisa's but I couldn't find Amy's." Garcia said "I'll go ask the detective for their phones. You can go through them and see which is Amy's," Hotch said before walking out of the room. Once he had left I walked up to JJ "Hey how are you holding up?" I asked her "This is rough Em these kids don't deserve any of this" She replied, a tear slipping from her eye. She wiped it away as soon as Hotch walked back in.

"Here Garcia, find out what you can" He said, handing her the four phones. "Emily a word" He said and walked out the room, I glanced at JJ then walked out following Hotch. "Is JJ okay?", Was the first thing he asked me, "This is tough on her but she wants to do this." I replied "That's not what I asked, is she okay?" He asked again, "Yes," I replied. "Good" He said then walked back into the room, I sighed deeply before going back in as well.

JJ gave me a look when I walked in that obviously said we'll talk later. Morgan and Rossi walked in minutes later "All the dumpsites are the same, no blood. All the kids were killed in a secondary location" Morgan reported "Okay let's go to the hotel and get some rest and regroup with fresh eyes tomorrow" Hotch said, everyone nodded and grabbed their stuff to go. Me, Spencer, JJ and PG jumped into one of the SUV's and I drove us to the hotel.

Me and JJ shared a room as everyone on the team knew we were together. When we walked into the room we put our bags down and JJ flopped onto the bed. I walked over to her and sat down next to her "Get you pjs on then we can cuddle babe" I said to her. She groaned but got up and changed before doing her nightly routine, I followed closely in her footsteps. We got into bed at the same time and JJ instantly cuddled into my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed the top of her head.

"What did Hotch want to talk about earlier?" She asked tiredly "He asked me if you were okay" I told her, "What did you say?" She asked "I told him this case was rough on you but you were fine" I replied. "We should sleep now babe we need our energy for tomorrow" I said and she only hummed in reply, I smiled then closed my eyes, letting sleep overtake me.


I couldn't sleep so I went through the phones that I took from the precinct. Were not supposed to take things away from the precincts we visited but I needed to figure out why there was nothing on the daughter. I plugged the first phone into my laptop and hacked into it, collecting every piece of data it held then I did the same thing with the other three phones.

I ran the numbers from all the phones and collected the ones that all matched up, then I picked up the phone that I figured belonged to Amy and went onto her social media. "Holy crap" I whispered to myself "No wonder I couldn't find anything on her wait no, him" I said to myself. I did a happy dance and really wanted to go tell the team what I had found but it's like two in the morning and so I don't think they would be very happy with me.

I packed away my laptop and the four phones and made sure that it was by the door so I wouldn't forget it in my rush of happiness in the morning. I then changed into my pyjamas, washed my face and cleaned my teeth before climbing into bed. I smiled to myself at what I just accomplished then took my glasses off and placed them onto the nightstand. I snuggled into the sheets and quickly fell asleep with a smile still on my face.

AN: Let me know if you like the start of this story and if you want me to continue this. It's all based on a dream I had so I don't have that many ideas. Any ideas would be appreciated. Also check out my other story Lost and found, it is all about soccer so if you're not a fan then it's not really for you but I am working on some other types of stories so be sure to check them out.

Sincerely Levi x

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