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ship: wdw

corbyn had never felt loved. his parents focused a lot of their attention on his younger siblings when he was growing up, and he had a lot of trouble making friends in school. he had never been in a relationship. when he joined the band he thought it was finally his chance to make some friends and find people who really loved him but he couldn't have been more wrong.

he was sure the boys didn't like him all that much, he constantly felt excluded. he came out two years ago so that didn't leave very many fans still supporting him like they used to. he wasn't sure if they did it on purpose but when they were at interviews or parties or even just on the tour bus talking he was never really included, no one considered him their best friend and no one seemed too bothered when he wasn't around.

after this happening in the first three years of the band he finally decided to start forcing himself to like being alone. he would stay in his bunk on the bus, he wouldnt try to join conversations he wasn't invited into during interviews, he never asked to come with them to parties, he would stay in his room when they were home, and he didn't tell anyone anything. no one cared.

right now jonah, jack, daniel, and zach were all out bowling with a couple of their friends. corbyn wasn't invited, not that he expected to be, but it still would've been nice to have been asked. he preferred to stay with their managers most of the time, feeling like they were the only ones who could semi tolerate him. his parents cut contact with him when he came out so talking to his mangers were the closest thing to parents he could get. they didn't know corbyn and his parents weren't on speaking terms, they just assumed corbyn didn't share much about his personal life.

in reality corbyn didn't share much about anything with anyone. the boys and their mangers didn't really know much about corbyn before he entered the band, they had no idea of his upbringing or his home life or his relationship with his parents and siblings. he sometimes wondered if they hated him so much because he was gay. as far as he knew the others were straight and he thought maybe that's why they singled him out, because he was "weird"

"hey corb" daniel spoke, walking through the door with the other three following behind him. corbyn was sat on the couch watching a movie, it's usually what he did when the others left, he would retreat to his room the second they came home and stay there until they had something to do, or until he got hungry. a puzzled look came over his face as daniel acknowledged him, even coming to sit beside him on the couch "hey.. did you guys have fun?" corbyn tried to engage in a conversation, feeling pathetic that these were his band mates, the people he lived with, the same four people he had been surrounded by everyday for the last four years and this is the most they had ever spoken to each other.

"yeah you should come next time, the others would love to meet you" zach spoke, sitting down in the love seat they had placed diagonally from the couch. the others followed zach into the living room, each of them starting to take a seat somewhere when they realized there weren't enough, jack still standing near the couch. "oh sorry i was just about to go to my room" corbyn spoke, starting to stand up and grab his things, his heart was slamming against his chest and his hands were shaking, they had never had this problem before because corbyn was never in the living room when they were , always lingering in the kitchen to hear what board game they were playing or watching their movie from the dining room table, he was embarrassed to say the least.

"no it's okay corb sit back down" jack giggled, taking a couch pillow and setting it behind his head as he laid on the floor. "what are you watchin?" jonah asked from beside daniel, looking at the tv. "oh uhm i just started rewatching stranger things but you guys can put on whatever you want" corbyn replied, pulling his blanket closer to his face in attempt to hide the pink spreading across his cheeks in embarrassment.

corbyn centric one shots Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant