birthday boy

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ship: wdw (as in a polymerous relationship between all five of them, corbyn being the youngest)

warnings: sexual content, lots of smut

november 25th, today was corbyns birthday. he'd spent the day with his four boyfriends mostly, seeing his family during the dinner they held for him an hour ago. his boyfriends had been treating him amazing all day, not that they didn't everyday tho. he woke up this morning to breakfast in bed, and then he opened presents afterwards, and then they went on a walk together before lunch, and took a nap on the couch together before corbyn left for dinner.

now he was home, his boys telling him they had one last gift for him before his birthday was over. corbyn knew it was coming, just like he knew he would be in a few seconds. he had been waiting all day for one of his boyfriends to pin him to the bed and use him.

he moaned loud when his second orgasm of the night hit him, zach rocking his hips a little slower as they both came down from their high together. zach held his boy close for a few minutes, whispering sweet nothings into his ear as he made sure corbyn was okay, made sure he still wanted to do this. he asked corbyn a few questions before leaving him so jonah could come over, such as how he was feeling and if he could take anymore, he didn't want his boy slipping into subspace before jonah and daniel had even fucked him.

by now corbyns neck and chest were covered in love bites and hickeys, corbyn feeling nothing short of a whore as jonah added to the collection, coming to suck on his nipples when he was done. "not gonna fuck you tonight princess" jonah stated as he looked down at his boy, leaning on his elbows as he hovered over him.

"what?" was all corbyn could muster as he searched jonah's face, wondering if he had done something wrong. "tonight's about you babygirl, gonna please you" jonah spoke, dipping his head to leave a kiss between corbyns eyebrows before giggling at the bright pink of corbyns cheeks from the use of his bedroom only nickname. he scooted down the bed, stoping when his face was above corbyns penis, watching as his boys erection only grew when his breath fanned over it. corbyn was excited to say the least, it wasn't often he was the one receiving head, typically it would be the other way around.

"keep your legs spread doll, use your hands all you want" was all jonah told him before his mouth came in contact with his hard on. corbyn threw his head back, his hands flying to jonah's hair as he pushed his head down a little further. it was the first time tonight he wasn't doing any of the work. it wasn't until jonah opened his throat and let the tip of his nose hit the base of corbyns cock did corbyn release in his lovers mouth. jonah's lips landing on corbyns seconds after swallowing as he let his boy taste himself.

in an instant daniel replaced jonah, being the last of the four to get a chance to please their angel. "wanna ride me sweetheart?" was all it took for corbyn to be vigorously nodding his head yes, letting himself be placed on top of daniel as he straddled him, sinking down on his length.

he didn't remember starting to bounce, he didn't remember daniel grabbing his hips so tight it left bruises the next morning, and he definitely didn't remember daniel starting to meet him halfway when he began to get tired, but he did remember what was by far the best orgasm he had ever gotten the pleasure of having, and he did remember the feeling of daniels lips connecting with his neck leaving a big purple hickey as he came inside him, and he definitely remembered the flash of light that flickered across the room as jack snapped a picture of corbyns face as his fourth and final orgasm of the night rippled through him, the polaroid being passed around his four boyfriends as they all enjoyed the picture of their boy.

daniel slowly lifted his boyfriend off of him, corbyn collapsing onto his chest as he mumbled "no more" in daniels ear. "no more angel face, we're all done, you did so good" daniel praised as he carded his fingers through his boys hair, separating some of the tangles and pushing back the few pieces that stuck to his sweaty forehead.

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