"How can one balance it?"

"Simple, by adding or subtracting energy from through their own energy. Like Satrajita used to offer prayers to Syamantaka every morning and synergize it with his own so that it only provides gold as much as he wants. So, it becomes connected to the wearer. That's why when Syamantaka got into the hands of others, it started to cause their destruction. None of them ever synergized it with their own energy. So its energy caused their death through disturbing the balance. So, someone very skilled in energy balance has to synergize it. So whatever these stones are, they are synergized. Without it, the stone would be disastrous."

"Wait. Then how do you think the two stones were synergized?"

"The first one that you retrieved was synergized by Maharishi Bhrigu himself. He said that he had got it from Brahmaloka. The second one was probably synergized by Shukracharya."

Crossing the corridor, my eyes fell on him. Omkara. His purple and orange dhoti was a perfect match with his dark skin. His jewellery matches the clothes.

There was an unfamiliar jump in my heart. Something it never does. What did my heart have to do with Omkara?

This time he had a headgear tied to his head. A turban jewellery attached to it. The symbol of Surya was set on the headgear he wore.

A moment later, he spotted me. A charming smile made its way on his lips. He greeted his friends whom he was speaking to and walked towards us. The folds of his dhoti fluttered perfectly.

To be honest, Narada was quite accurate when he said that Ravikara was quite the prince. His tanned dark skin was quite a match to his personality. If you'd consider his 6'3 height, he was the perfect tall, dark, and handsome male lead. I should admit, the little facial hair suited him. Some stubble did add a few years to his age.

His surya kundala jiggled perfectly. I could tell why he was so feared. He could easily turn into Yama on a battlefield. His skills matched such.

Just before he could reach me, out of thin air, a form materialized. Pearly white dhoti and angavastra. Jet black hair. Fair complexion and hair fluttering perfectly. He was quite beautiful.

Omkara took a breath and I could tell he mentally sighed. Joining his hands, he greeted the one before him. "Pranipaat, Vayu Deva." He greeted.

"Oh, Suryakant!! Such a pleasure to see you." Vayu Deva cheerfully exclaimed. He turned back and saw me, "Oh, that's what you were at?" He laughed boisterously.

Casually, Vayu Deva put an arm around Omkara and walked towards me.

I greeted him respectfully. "Pranaam, Pavan Deva."

"Ayushmaan bhava." He said with a large grin. "So, how is the affair?"

I almost choked on nothing. "What?" I asked.

Omkara closed his eyes and sighed.

"Respectfully, Vayu Deva, you are reading me quite wrong. It's rather silly to imagine that Sandheya, who happens to hate the inhabitants of earth, would ever spare a thought for me, a human, for anything other than general association as Devansha." I defended my character.

The deity of air raised one eyebrow. "I am wrong??" He asked.

"I mean it in a respectful manner. Because surely, there is no 'affair' between me and Sandheya."

"Oh, so I am wrong?" He asked again.

"Dev-" I was about to defend when Omkara signalled me to shut up.

"Vayu Deva, you are insightful indeed but we're children. It is going to take time. You're fast, we're quite slow. So, while we haven't quite reached that speed yet, you're quite the seer." He answered with a grace that could clean bowl even Sachin Tendulkar.

Vayu laughed. "Oh, so that's what she is saying." He turned to me, put a hand on Omkara's shoulder and patted him, "this one is a brave and valiant soldier. He isn't very unpleasant to look at either. I'd say it is a great score."

"Deva, you're quite the wingman," the son of Surya gave smile when Vayu Deva laughed at the Wordplay, "but it will just leave me seeming like I'm really bad at making impressions."

"Yes but I need to help you lest you embarrass Sri Narayana himself who has trained you. The most charming one cannot have trained someone who is this bad at impressions that you haven't even charmed the girl yet."

"Isn't his engagement getting fixed with Anandavalli?" Harsh asked.

"Shush, boy, do not speak." Vayu Deva silenced Harsh.

"Just a moment, Deva, will you?" Omkara requested. The two moved to a corner. The deity laughed, grinned at Omkara and then flew away.

Omkara rubbed his temples and sighed, "I'm sorry about him. Just don't ever correct a Deva. They have short tempers and fragile egos. Don't disturb them. Only ones who can challenge such an ego are Rishis and Trideva. We learn early not to question their ego." Omkara explained.

"How am I supposed to explain if it reached Maa and Baba?" I asked.

"They know it way before anyone, Sonakshi. Whatever it is, they know before us. So, nothing to worry about. Then again, you wouldn't find much open parents than them. Kartikeya was touring around as a hunter while struggling to impress Valli." He pointed out. "If Shankara cared so much for reputation, he wouldn't be living around wearing animal skins, snakes and ashes. He would have chosen the most valuable things to wear."

"Maa wears valuable things."

He laughed. "She also wears mundamala on occasions, Sonakshi."

I smiled. "What about Mama? My mama has impeccable reputation which can be disturbed."

He laughed, "Your dearest mama can disturb even the most disciplined Rishis and drive them away from tapasya by simply being Manmohana. Rama had caused desired even among the Rishis doing tapasya in Panchavati. So, he would bother. Also, his mischievous reputation precedes him. People wouldn't dare open their mouths before him. If they sound even a little egoistic before him, they surely have a lesson following them."

I laughed at the slightly fearful look on his face. Mama's beautiful smile came into my mind. And the way that smile scares Omkara.

"It's not funny. When he decides to teach a lesson, it will hit hard." He pointed out.

"No, I was just wondering. I remembered Mama's sweet smile and then the way you looked scared of him."

Both of us then noticed the look Harsh gave us.

"What?" We asked together. Harsh rolled his eyes.

"Nothing. I'm waiting for you love birds to finish up before we actually do work." He pointed.

"Harsh!!! At least you should know that there's nothing like lovebirds here." I complained.

"Keep that stupid statement to yourselves. Everyone knows that you two are lovebirds. So, maybe so do Mata Parvati and Mahadeva." Harsh insisted.

"Okay, Harsh, lis-" I was cut off by my best friend.

"Whatever. Can we focus on the mission? We were about to get on with finding the stones."


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