Part 6 - Exploration

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Even after 2 whole months of searching, Shinji wasnt planning to give up on Kayla. The police started exploring the place if the trap even more deeper and they managed to find an old abandoned house, but they found something that could help with finding the kids from the kindergarten. They found some kids clothes and a bracelet, when they showed Shinji that bracelet, he fell into his knees:
"Th-Th-thats my K-Kayla's bracelet that i gave her for her 5th birthday ..." Shinji said that while crying...
One of the officers said :"So Aaron used to keep the kids here .."

After this the police tried to track down the footprints near this house to see if they can find anything, but nothing was discovered...

A few days have passed, and the police found a man with the last name "Kepler" the same one as Aaron. But the man had turned out to be one of Aaron's distant cousins. He didnt know a lot about Aaron since the last time he saw him was 6-7 years ago, Aaron is a guy in his mid 20's and his cousin managed to describe his personality: Aaron was kind of quiet and strange, he only had 2-3 friends which he rarely hung out with, even though Aaron never went to a doctor, it looked like he had some mental illness, but his cousins just assumed it was because he went through a lot.

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