Part 5 - Depression

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The police and Shinji searched all over for the van and Kayla, but nothing was found. Shinji's family fell into depression, Shinji was only dedicated to one thing, Finding Kayla and bringing her home safe. Even though they still didnt find her, Shinji didnt give up that easily. The police still continued the search, there were posters all over the town about the missing kids from the kindergarten. After weeks of searching, the police had found some fingerprints on the man's knife that was found in the kindergarten. The man's identity was discovered, his full name is Aaron Kepler, his parents had died when he was young and has no siblings, they werent able to discover anything about his social life with friends etc...
Even with all of this information, the police werent able to track where the van went, but after a week a police car had gone missing the same forest they were chasing the van. Shinji was sure that Aaron had something to do with this..

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