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(Song for this chapter: East side~Khalid)


It was Wednesday when I came back from school and found my mom, Lena talking to my dad, Matt who just came home from his weekly trips.

"Hey mom!", I loudly spoke only to draw attention from both of them.

"Hey dear! How was school today?" She said with a big smile on her face. I noticed the sense of worry behind it.

"All good mom" I answered her after studying her face for some time trying to figure out what actually went down.

Somebody cleares his throat, catching me offguard totally forgetting that my dad was actually there the whole time. "Sorry dad, I totally didn't recognize your presence" I said with a grin trying to make the situation less awkward only to earn a glare from my dad.

After studying his face for a while, I realised that he was somewhat drank or maybe high, hell I don't know!. What I know is that he isn't okay at all and neither is he sober.

"Hey darling how was school?" He said it in his drank tone.

I try not to show the fear on my face so I decide to answer him anyway, "It was okay dad"

After what seems like ten minutes of standing in awkward silence I speak up, "I'm going to my room to change now". They both nod in understanding.

When I get inside my room, I close the door behind me and drop on my bed wondering what the hell happened when I was gone, and why the hell is my dad home on a Tuesday afternoon because he never really gets home till Friday evening so he can spend the weekend with us.

After thinking without getting clear answers, I decide to get up and change to my shorts and baggy sweat shirt but before I can do anything I hear my parents arguing outside.

"You should get responsible old man!" Thats my mom's voice, clearly pissed.

"And who said I ain't?" Well thats practically my dad. What is going on? I try to reason but only get vague thoughts.

"Don't you even feel ashamed of yourself right now? I've tried my best to keep up with your bullshit but its just too much to handle! You barely come home these days, and when you do, its always unpredictable like who on earth knew that you would be standing here now!"

My mom sounds extremely pissed making me worried because she rarely gets that angry.

I decide to do what I had planned on doing before getting distracted.

After changing into my home attire, I decide to get myself a cup of tea to freshen up.

Before I can actually make sense of everything, I hear familiar footsteps coming towards the kitchen.

"Are you okay sweetheart?" Mom asks me and that's when I realise she was staring at me from the kitchen island.

"Don't you think I should be asking you that?" I say sounding like the curious daughter I am.

She only sighs before she says "Your dad is cheating on me darling and we are leaving."

What the fucking hell!! What did she just say? How can this happen? Did I hear her right?

"Mom..." is the only thing I can manage to say.


Hey sweeties!
I kinda made some changes for these early chapters but nothing has really changed except for some of the character names coz I thought they were a lil wierd. Lol. Anyway, I hope you really enjoy this coz from now on I'll be updating frequently. Oh! And don't mind commenting and letting me know what you think plus correcting some typos.
Love y'all... let's shoot to 1k reads yeah? :)

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