CH26 - Starting To See

Start from the beginning

"Naturally." Miyuki voices out in the end, and that gained a small pat from Shiori.

"Thank you." The woman nodded her head at the females before pulling away from them. "And while you are at it, please, take care of each other, alright?" With that, Shiori left them so she can go find her husband. As the woman in the graceful gown leaves, The Urameshi girl lets out a sigh before spinning back to her teammates and brother.

A sour grimace made its way onto her face as she remembers how after this day and a few more later, it will be time for her, her brother, and the other demon allies to leave for another world where a war is about to break up. . . But that's not what tips her toward the edge. . .

It's the thought of how it will end. . . and how her and other's loved ones will deal with it. . .

'Take care of each other. . .' Miyuki thought to herself guiltily knew, how she might not be able to guarantee that. . .

Eventually, everyone began to leave.

Miyuki went ahead with the girls while her twin chose to stay behind a little more.

Or was more likely held back by Kuwabara who gave one last lecture to his old pal, which irritated the Urameshi boy to the core and almost threw his hands, if it wasn't for Shizuru dragging her little brother by the ear while giving a lecture of her own about his studies again.

The teen boy with slicked black hair turned on his heels with a small grumble, but it came to a halt fast the moment a small figure in royal dress passes by. Those hazel-brown eyes found themselves glued on that brunette girl whose mother saw him and gave a small goodbye wave in his direction. The Urameshi boy waved back, but as soon as he saw Keiko establishing her gaze in his way, for a moment Yusuke swore his heart just leaped out of his chest. Sadly the feeling deflated when his girl turned her face away with a stony frown, seemingly not wanting anything to do with him.

It would usually be dismissed by the teen boy, thinking Keiko was mad at him for small things, but this time around, however, this behavior hit him in the gut hard, leaving him with that sinking feeling of disappointment deep within his stomach.

The feeling carried on, bugging his mind to no end. It didn't even take a break when he and the girls arrived back in the temple, or when he got inside the comfort of his guest room and inside his pajamas.

The half-demon spent his hours staring blankly at his ceiling with the sensation bothering him still. His mind kept on replaying everything that happened at the wedding ceremony and the reception after that.

He remembers every detail, but what popped into his mind first was mostly Keiko wearing that beautiful dress but looking so . . . sad and disappointed. . . Then came the few times when she did spare a genuine smile. . . but soon washes away when he comes into the picture, turning the mood sour which the brunette girl's face had no problem showing it to him. . .

Flaming Hearts ~ Hearts On Fire ~ Book4 [DISCONTINUED] {OLDER VERSION}Where stories live. Discover now