Chapter 3 ~ Blizzard

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Eliza woke up, freezing cold. It was a snow day. She stayed snuggled in her bed, hoping to fall back to sleep. But that fantasy was short lived when Sofia threw the duvet on the floor.

"ELIZA WE HAVE SCHOOL!" Sofia bellowed.

I rolled onto the floor, shivering.

* Am I the only one who feels cold?!

"No, now c'mon go get changed and ready."

Sofia left the room and Eliza quickly got ready. She rushed downstairs and her eyes widened at the beautiful breakfast laid on the table.

* It's so beautiful I almost don't want to eat it-

"Well we have to, Grim's driving us to school in 10 minutes."

We sat down and dug into breakfast before getting into the car.

"Make sure to stay together, after what happened we all know the school gossip will go wild." Grim explained, taking a turn.

* We're practically invisible, I'm sure they won't even notice us.

"Time to find out."

Grim parked the car and they went their separate ways. Sofia and Eliza went inside and to their form. Eliza was sure nobody cared about what happened but she thought too soon. The popular girl and her friends approached them, smirking.

"Well well well~ who do we have here? The girl with criminal parents!"

"Shut up Ellie, nobody requested your presence."

She slammed her hand on Sofia's desk, making her jump.

* Don't do that Ellie!

"Or what? Gonna get your parents on me?" She laughed, her friends behind her joining in.

* N-No, but I'll come get you!

Sofia looked at Eliza and facepalmed. Ellie raised an eye brow.

"Is that so? After school, outside the school. We'll see how powerful you really are."

Ellie and her friends walked off with her friends.

The day went quickly and Eliza got more and more worried. The snowing hadn't stopped and she was too cold to remove her thick jacket and 'fight'. The last bell rang.

* Sofia I can't fight her, I don't fight-!

"Don't worry, she won't hurt you...I think."

They went outside the school and there was a crowd of students surround their made up arena.

"How nice of you to make it!" Ellie glared Eliza down.

* Ellie I don't want to fight's too cold!

Ellie started walking towards Eliza until there was only about a meter separating them both.

"Sounds like a You problem."

Ellie slapped Eliza hard and she fell into a thick layer of snow. But Ellie wasn't done. She began to throw snow at Eliza, who was trying to dodge while still on the floor.


"You stupid BITCH!" She yelled.

Eliza was getting up when she heard screams and cries of help. She looked up and saw the snow fall getting heavier and more threatening. She could bare see anyone else. The sky was purple. Eliza looked at her hands and saw magic flowing out. Was she causing this?! She quickly hid her hand in her coat pocket. Thunder appeared and struck not far from her.


Eliza ran around, she needed to find Sofia.

'Mr Gaster, she's over here!!'

Eliza went in the direction of the voices and saw a man picking up Sofia.

* W-Wait what are you doing?!

[She's unconscious, she needs to go to the hospital.]

* What happened???

[The lightning.]

Eliza's heart stopped. Has she done this?!

Before Gaster could take Sofia away, Grim drove up to them and got out, full of rage.

"I'll take care of it from here. I wouldn't trust my sister in your murderous hands. Eliza get in the car." Grim took hold of Sofia.

They drove off.

* Is she okay?! We need to get her to a hospital!

"We're going home. We can take care of her there." Grim's voice was low and she could still tell he was furious.

* can needs h...

Eliza suddenly felt a wave of tiredness, she could tell she was about to pass out.

* I'm g-gonna pass...-

Aaand she did. She slouched in her seat.

"Great, just great." Grim parked his car and used magic to get them both inside.

An hour passed before Eliza woke up.

"Feeling better?" Grim asked, checking her vitals.

* I'm's Sofia?!

"Have you ever been told about souls and LV?"

* Uh...what?

He laid his hand on her chest and a purple soul quickly came out.

* WHA-

"We all have souls. Once it's broken, you're dead. LV stands for Level Of Violence. The higher it is, the easier it is for you to kill someone."

* Right okay I understand...but what does this have to do with Sofia?!

"Her soul is broken, her magic is broken. And she's gonna be in a coma until we can find a way to fix this...or at least stabilise it." Grim explained, putting her soul back.

* Oh goodness...this is all my fault I should've stayed by her-!

"It's a good thing you didn't stay with her. She has some LV so she survived the thunder. You would've died, you have no LV. Now c'mon, you're gonna help me build a soul insulator for her."

They spent the entire week building it, and spent the hours in school taking measurements, researching, and drawing out structures.

* Vitals?


* Okay I'm putting her soul in now...

Eliza carefully placed Sofia's soul into the insulator and turned it on.

They waited.

Sofia suddenly opened her eyes and gasped, sitting up.

"I'M HERE, I'M H—"

"You almost died."

"It was the lightning, wasn't it?"

* Yeah...

"I saw Gaster."

* ...Wait. That was W.D Gaster!?


Sofia stood up and logged into a laptop. She sat down in a seat before she could pass out from getting up too quickly.

"What was he doing at the school? Does he have a kid there?"

"Gaster with a child? That's hard to believe."

Sofia starting typing away, hacking into the logs of the magic facilities. Gaster was one of the lead scientists there. A few minutes passed before she found was they were looking for.

"Oh shit-"

* What?? What did you find???

"Ellie's his creation."

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