Chapter 1 ~ It came down to this

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Eliza rolled out of bed to the sound of her loud phone alarm. There was something special about today that she couldn't quite point out. Her head spun as she quickly stood up and rushed to her bathroom to get ready for the day. Not only did she have a full day of school, but she also had after school all checked out. The sun blinded her as she opened the curtains and put on her uniform. Eliza couldn't quite understand why her parents had enrolled her into a private school but she wasn't too bothered by it.

"Eliza, breakfast is ready!" Her Mother exclaimed.

* Coming mother!

She rushed down the stairs and into the kitchen. Her brother, Dylan, threw her an apple and she caught it with ease before sitting down to dig into the delicious pancakes her mother has cooked for them.

"What time is your event, honey?"

* 5PM, you and dad promised you'd come watch!

"We'll try our best sweetheart."

Dylan and Eliza finished eating before getting into the car where their driver drove them to school. They thanked him and went their separate ways to their form rooms.

Time Passed By...

The clock ticked as the lesson passed, Eliza tapping her pen to the beat.

"Miss Alpine, since you seem to have the concentration of a baby, why don't you come up and explain how to get the answer." Miss Richmond demanded.

Eliza took a look at the board.

* There are no real roots, the graph doesn't touch the x-axis. Buuuut, if made a function, it could be changed so there's one or two real roots.

Miss Richmond gave Eliza a glare before nodding, she sat down and continued to day dream the rest of the lesson. Eventually - two more lessons later - the bell rang furiously for lunch. The students rushed out of the classroom but Eliza simply walked over to her favourite sitting spot in the school field, laid her blanket, and read. She was rather fascinated when it came to time travel. It had never been proven but she knew that it could be possible, somehow.

"Hey Eliza! I brought us lunch." Sofia sat down, handing Eliza a school lunch.

* Thanks, how has your day been?

They both dug into their food, chatting and reading for the rest of lunch. The whole 'time travelling' business was overwhelming for Sofia. She always told Eliza there was no such thing but Eliza insisted. Sofia was more interested in the multiverse theory, not time travel! But they agreed to disagree (Eliza didn't believe in the multiverse theory).

More Time Passed...

The bell rang for the end of the day and Eliza made her way to the school's swimming pool. After all, she had her swimming competition to compete in! She quickly got changed and sat around the diving boards as the swimmer and her waited for the audience to arrive. Eliza knew Dylan wasn't coming due to the fact that he had exams to revise for but her parents had finally promised her that they'd come to watch this particular competition. She was about to lose hope of them coming when suddenly, they rushed in, apologising to the teachers for being late. Her smile lit up the whole room, she needed to win this, her parents needed to see her win.

"Swimmers, get to your diving boards, we will begin with the 4 lap race. Any cheating is disqualified, feet must touch the wall for a lap to count! All strokes are allowed." Mr Dote explained.

Eliza stood on her board, ready...more than ready, she was filled with determination.

"On your marks.."
"Get set.."

They dived in, swimming as fast as they could, they all wanted to win. Eliza glided through the water, the first lap being a walk in the part, her speed was incredible. Every time the swimmers lifted their heads out of the water, the sounds of cheers reminded them their family wanted nothing else but a victory. When one lap was left, Eliza saw only one person was ahead of her. Sure she was tired but that was no excuse, she sped up, over taking the boy in front of her JUST in time! She finished, a smile on her face. Eliza was elated to know she had won in front of her parents. Everybody was cheering.

"Great job swimmers, a 5 minute break before the next ra-"

The grand room went silent with fear as the door opened. Security-guard-looking-people made their way up to Eliza's parents and grabbed them.

"Hey, what are you doing?!" Eliza's mum raised her voice as she was pulled down.

"Let us go! Who even are you guys??!" Her dad argued.

"Mr and Mrs Alpine, don't fool yourselves. You thought hiding from the Magic Agents would work? You're both being taken into observation and testing again. Your son has already been taken there, do you have another child?"

Eliza's eyes widened in shock and surprise as her parents shook their heads no before being escorted out. The competition ended early and Eliza didn't bother to go and receive her award (she knew they could just give it to her tomorrow), she speedily got changed and rushed home, spam calling everyone in her family...she needed answers! Since when was her family magical?! Why hadn't she been told about this? There had to be a reasonable explanation...I mean, she didn't have magic she knew of and she'd never seen her family use it either. Once it was around 9PM, she received a call from Dylan.

* Dylan?! Dylan what's going on??

"Eliza listen to me very carefully. We haven't been completely honest with you but we are a family of magic. We're not from America, we're from Sokovia, a country that was destroyed when you were around 2 years old. Mother and Father altered your memory so you'd always remember your childhood right here in America. Right now, the agent is on their way to the house so you need to hide!"

* But Dylan-

"Eliza, just hide!"

The phone hung up and Eliza acted fast; she ran up to the loft and hid behind one of the sofas in the corner. It was a small snug spot. She kept her phone with her, texting someone who she thought could help her in this emergency. The front door was knocked down and she heard many people rush in. yelling for anybody to come out and show their hands. The noises of furniture being destroyed and moved to the sounds of guns being loaded up was heard. Eliza held her breath when she heard people opening the loft door.

"If anybody is in the room, please show yourself with your hands in the air. Nobody gets hurt if you co-operate."

Eliza's heart was beating so fast, she felt like passing out.

[Get ready to jump out of the loft window and grab the rope, count to ten and just run for it!]

Eliza saw the messages and took a deep breathe, counting in her head.


She bursted out of hiding and ran to the window.


She jumped out, grabbing the helicopter rope as the helicopter flew off. The rope went up and Sofia's grabbed her hand and let her in. She gave Eliza a huge hug.

How had her life been turned into this? Not only had she been told she potentially had magic, but she had to find a way to save her family.

The Violet WitchHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin