Chapter 2 ~ The Multiverse Theory

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The helicopter arrived at Sofia's house and they both rushed inside.

"Okay okay, tell me what happened!"

* They took my FAMILY. They've been hiding the fact that we're magical Sofia...the agents will find me one was out the other, what am I supposed to do?!

Suddenly, the door opened. In came Sofia's brother, he looked exhausted.

"Oops sorry...did we wake you up?"

He sighed, sitting down on her desk chair.

"Kinda...why'd you take my helicopter??"

"I needed to save Eliza! The Magic Agency took her family."

He took to look at Eliza.

"You have magic?!" He questioned, seeming rather surprised.

* I..Apparently! Dylan told me we were Sokovian and possessed magic but I don't think I have powers..

"If he says you do, then you do. You and I both know he's a serious guy. We just need to find a way to trigger it."

Sofia was about to take a book from her bookshelf when there was a knock on the door.

"Ooh shit. Go hide Eliza, I'll take care of them!" Sofia ordered.

Grim took Eliza's hand and rushed down to a secret basement. Sofia opened the door to three agents.

"It's 1AM, is there something wrong?"

"We believe someone we're looking for is here."

"I'm the only one home...are you looking for my brother Grim?"

"Your brother is Grim Alexander?"

"Yes, he is. And he expects his little sister to get some well deserved rest."

"R-Right! Apologies, have a nice night!"

They scattered off like scared kids and Sofia closed the door and rushed down to the basement. Grim gave Sofia a look she recognised very well.


* ..What?

Eliza went into a state of shock as Sofia created a portal into another 'timeline'; with the click of Grim's fingers, they all teleported into an area in which there was a fine line between all timelines in their multiverse.

* Y-You guys have magic too?!?!

"Yeah, c'mon follow us." Sofia smiled and that gave Eliza somewhat relief.

They walked through a portal and Eliza felt the cold delicate snowflakes fall gently onto her skin.

* Where are we?

"Welcome to the underground, this is Snowdin!" Sofia exclaimed, walking through the snow to a lovely little house.

They went inside and Sofia sat down on the sofa. Eliza was nervous.

* this another timeline..?

"Yup! It's an empty one though so don't worry about anyone finding you." Sofia replied.

* Is there an underground for our timeline too?

"Yes." Grim interrupted, "Friday, give us an update on Eliza's family."

(Sure thing. They're currently in line for magic extraction.)

"We need to delay that extraction before they get their magic taken away. Let's go Sofia."

* Wait, I can help!

"Eliza you don't know how to access your magic yet, that's not a good idea..."

* I can help in a...a non-magical way!

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