I looked at the omelet the maid placed in front of me, and my stomach grumbled. Everyone at the table laughed in response, "Dig in sweetie. Afterwards we can go shopping for a little bit," Mom said.

"Where are we going?" I asked, intrigued.

"Mainly to look around, and maybe get some clothes for Ellie," Mom said with a shrug as I nodded.

"That sounds nice. It'll be a nice change to just relax for a bit," I said as I sat back in my chair.

"Agreed," Tess said as she sighed. "Who knew we would have to be dealing with so much at school?" Tess said.

"Tell me about it. Sometimes I wish I wasn't the disciplinary committee captain, and just some student. Then maybe I could just relax more," I said with a sigh.

"Same here. Sometimes just being the student council president is so stressful," Tess said.

"Perhaps, but you're both doing a great job. Cynthia is constantly telling us how proud she is of both of you," Vincent said. Tess and I smiled knowing we were able to make Grandma proud.

"Go ahead and eat kiddo," My dad said.

I looked down and noticed Tess and I hadn't even touched our breakfast yet. Tess and I happily grabbed our forks as we enjoyed our food.

"So besides going shopping for clothes, was there anywhere else you wanted to go?" Mom asked.

I looked down thinking about something I wanted, or needed. "Are there any good potion shops in the shopping district?" I asked.

Mom tilted her head, "Why do you want to go to a potion shop?"

I just shrugged, "I just wanted to see what they have."

In reality I wanted to see if they had something that could help me get stronger. Even with my dragon body, that horned creature was far stronger than me.

"There is one potion shop that comes to mind. I can show you later," Tabitha said with a smile.

I nodded, "Thank you."

"Good morning everyone."

We all turned to see Virion walk into the dining room. Behind him were Aya, Varay, and Olfred.



Tess and I yelled happily as we stood up from the table. We quickly walked over to Gramps and gave him a group hug.

"Hello you two, it's good to see you. I'm sorry for not coming to visit sooner Arthur," Gramps said.

I broke the hug, shaking my head smiling. "Don't worry, Gramps, I know you've been busy."

I saw Aya walk up to me smiling. "Hey si-"

Aya cut me off by taking me into a warm tight hug. I smiled as I returned the hug.

"I'm glad to see you're ok," Aya said genuinely.

"All thanks to you I presume," I said as we broke the hug.

Aya shrugged, "I just found you and brought you back."

Confusion crossed my mind as I looked over to Tess. I could see she looked confused as well.

"What is it?" Aya asked curiously with a raised brow.

I just looked back at her, "You didn't defeat that horned thing that attacked Alea?" I asked.

Aya looked at me confused, and looked back at Gramps who looked down deep in thought.

Gramps then looked back at me with a serious gaze. "Is there somewhere we can talk in private, Arthur?"

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