ep 8 : end of the line

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kenya grunted as she swung her arms out to the two guys, ben still crying out while darius kept trying to pull him up to no avail. the taller girl couldn't get a proper grip on ben's hand since he was frantically swinging around.

his hand slipped from darius' and kenya gasped, darius quickly pulling his other arm from kenya's grip to grab his hand with both of his own. kenya quickly caught onto the dino genius's torso so he wouldn't fall. she had thought darius was gonna be able to pull him up since the two smiled to one another, and kenya also smiled some with faint tears in her eyes.

however, the flying reptiles came once more, swooping and knocking ben out of darius' grip which made him slip from it once more and darius's quick reflexes being out to the test as he caught his hand once more. kenya tried pulling up the two now, unaware of ben's hand slipping as she struggled. suddenly, she yanked backwards with darius some and looked over to see ben falling down. everything went quiet, she saw darius yell silently from the corner of her eye and reach out for him. she sat there, eyes widen while one of the beasts dived in for the falling boy.

he fell out of sight, and kenya's eyes shook as the tears flowed out of her eyes while the noise stayed silent around her still. the silence must've not been her mind shutting it out, as the only noise she heard was brooklynn whimpering and the monorail continuing on. she felt kenji fall to his knees next to her, and saw bumpy go past her and to the edge, which she groaned out for ben.

"he's gone. he's ... gone." she heard yasmina say behind her, and then sammy's outburst. "i wont believe it!" and it seemed like yasmina stopped sammy from running ahead while yasmina talked in a hushed voice  while sammy cried out a "no!" before sobbing. no one said anything else, and kenya simply punched her fist to the floor of the train. pain shot up her arm from her punching the lights earlier, but she ignored it as she silently cried some.

"we're going back." she heard darius say, and she looked over to him with angry tears flowing down her cheeks. her expression was shocked, not believing what he said and was going to ask him to explain what he means. "the monorail's going back!" before everyone got launched some to the side as the monorail screeched some. "what do you mean, 'going back'?" brooklynn asked and darius and the others got to their feet. "when we switched tracks, we ended up on one headed north." he looked over the broken windows that kept them from falling then to the control panel and rushed to it.

"we're not going to the south docks, we're going away from them!" he said, pushing buttons and fiddling with some of the controls. "doesn't anything here work?!" he exclaimed and kenya looked up as they both locked eyes as he yelled to everyone else. "we gotta get off this monorail now!"

kenya looked over to where brooklynn went over to, and she followed with. they both looked ahead and brooklynn gasped. "the track dips down up ahead!" "we can jump there!"

"what?" "jump?!" kenji and sammy exclaimed at the same time. "we can't! it's too far to jump!" "it's the only way!" they all turned to darius. they all gathered around the shattered window of the monorail, looking to each other questionably as they all tried to gather the courage to jump. kenya was gripping the closest pole, her hands shaking which indicated her fear as darius began a slow count off starting with "one..." some people did things to prepare themselves, yasmina cracking her neck and kenji slipping on ben's fanny pack then grabbed bumpy. "two..." kenya shook her head to get rid of her nerves, then looked determinedly out the shattered window. "three!" darius exclaimed. "now!" and with that, he leaped out the monorail.

kenya followed after brooklynn, and then proceeded to yell along with everyone else. they all hit the large palm leaves of the trees, getting scratched up by small twigs and branches sticking out before roughly hitting the ground. they all grunted and rolled down the hill, everyone bumping into the base of the trees. kenya rolled into a tree nearby of her brother, the wind getting knocked out of her when she collided with the wood and laid there to gain her composure, which was difficult as she tried to get air into her lungs.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2023 ⏰

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