ep 2 : secrets

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kenya was awoken slightly by the sound of the elevator reaching the treehouse main platform

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kenya was awoken slightly by the sound of the elevator reaching the treehouse main platform. her eyes squinted as she rubbed them, her hair no longer in its loose braid but her bangs still spiked up due to the fact that she forgot to wash out the gel from her hair, that gave her a reminder to shower before they do anything else today.

she could hear hushed voice talking, more like scolding someone outside the doors to the bunker rooms. from the female australian accent, and the grown mans voice, she had to assume the trio got caught and were getting scolded hard.

the door opened leading to the room, and kenya laid still to fake sleep until she knew the counselors were no longer there.

when the door closed and left the remaining campers in the dark once more, kenya sat up to look over. "darius, how did it ... go?" she looked over to see only brooklynn, who looked ashamed, who walked over to her own bunk bed and said nothing at first. "brooklynn, what happened? where's my brother and darius?" she quietly questioned, going into a sitting position while brooklynn gave a silent sigh and her shoulders slumped some. something tells kirima whatever happened wasn't good.

"it wasn't the compy's enclosure darius saw, it was ... raptors." she admitted quietly so the others wouldn't wake up. she held her phone close to ber body, and turned to kenya. "you know, your brother's kind of a jerk." she openly said, eyebrows furrowed in frustration. kenya sighed. "tell me something i don't know."

and with that, she stood to walk to the doors and opened it quietly and snuck out. she continued on, making sure to stay out of sight to prevent herself from getting in trouble with roxie and dave as well.

"-but what you two chuckleheads did!-" she heard dave getting at the boys. "especially you kenji!" and roxie cutting him off to go for her brother. "your recklessness pur yours, darius, and dave's lives in danger! we should call your parents-"

"it was my fault!"

kenya was somewhat startled to hear darius take the blame for her brother, and she didn't seem to be the only one startled by the sudden confession. "i jumped into the pit. kenji was... trying to save me." she could hear the defeat in his voice. "that's right. i... i was saving the poor, confused little kid."

roxie didn't seem to buy it, and neither did kenya since she did grow up with the guy. "i'm sorry, so, darius the dino-genius was saved by kenji, the kid who thinks dinosaurs went extinct because, and i quote; "their farts turned the air trashy"?"

she heard a low whisper, but couldn't make out what it was.

"yeah it's just that brooklynn's account is quite different from yours." roxie continued. "pffft, brooklynn. look, it was dark! she was confused, she needs glasses." kenji said, and a chuckle followed pursuit. "vanity, am i right? what's important is that i'll keep looking out for the kid, here. you're welcome."

"no harm, no foul. let's chalk the whole thing up to experience. lessons, friendships- this is what camp's about! who's with me?" dave went on, turning back into his usual self.

JWCC: y. fadoula x kon!oc x s. gutierrez UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now