ep 6 : welcome to jurassic world

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kenya was slumped against the steering wheel of the van, knocked out for a second from the rough impact of her accidentally crashing it into a large rock

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kenya was slumped against the steering wheel of the van, knocked out for a second from the rough impact of her accidentally crashing it into a large rock. she blinked her eyes some, groaning lightly as the pants of the others could now be heard. she slowly sat up, looking around to see the smoke coming from the front of the van as darius asked in a rush. "is everyone okay?" however, the older twin didn't register his words, remembering what happened earlier that caused the crash in the first place.

"is everyone..?" yasmina then chuckled, but kenya couldn't take it and opened the door roughly and stepped out. she slammed the door behind her, storming off with her hands clutching her hair. she could hear sammy calling to her, telling her to wait but she couldn't bring herself to listen to her, she even heard her brother call her too but she was starting to fume now.

she heard everyone else climbing out, and still called out to her, but it seemed like yasmina shoved passed her and was also coming her way. however, while kenya was angrily holding her hair and just took some steps to the side to cool off or to let her hanger out, yasmina just kept on walking. "yasmina!" she heard sammy call out, focused on their mutual introverted friend.

"we're not okay!" "yaz-" sammy tried calling. "we're in the middle of a jungle with a monster dinosaur out there, and you..." kenya just turned away, her loose braid getting messed up by her angered grip on her hair. "you..." yasmina spat venomously. brooklynn thought it was best to finish the statement. "destroyed our only way to get help and lied about it! i told you guys!" the older twin began to space out, ignoring the conversation from this point on as she took deep breaths. she felt a hand on her shoulder not too longer after, and looked to see it was kenji.

"you okay?" he asked, ignoring the ongoing conversation behind them. she could tell kenji noticed her anger, and had come over to cool her off.

as a child, kenya had developed anger issues from being bullied, the reason being the fact she was a girl with the reproductive systems of a boy. she was an intersex girl who liked to wear skirts at a young age, but got called a girly boy for it. their parents took noticed too late, by middle school she had a life of making sure people would give kenji a second chanced if he messed up and if they say something that rubbed her the wrong way she would start swinging or start shouting angry words. she had been sent to therapists to manage it, and so far it had been helping, but every now and then she would have her fumes or rages. it helped that while kenji was mainly a goofball, he knew when to be serious, and he knew his sisters anger issues and mental struggles were something he has to take seriously.

"i'm fine kenji-" "i'm here to spy!"

everyone went quiet to this confession from sammy, even the twins who were having their own conversation. they watched sammy bow her head in shame, and she went on. "for a company called mantah corp."

"mantah corp? they're a bioengineering company, big rivals with masrani." darius explained to the others who don't seem to know mantah corp like he does. the twins glance to one another, and then back to darius as he continued. "they tried to make dinosaurs too, but wu beat them to it." "you doomed us all for some lousy company?" ben angrily asked.

JWCC: y. fadoula x kon!oc x s. gutierrez UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now