Announcement [Please Read]

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I posted this in my other book, but I'm posting here as well.

Hello readers. I know it's been about 2-3 weeks since I last updated this and I apologize really. With college and stuff starting soon, I've had less and less free time to write as life gets busier for me.

As for now, I'll be going on a hiatus for minimally 3-4 weeks. I apologize again, but I don't want you readers to question why there's no updates without a proper explanation.

Once school starts and things get less hectic, I'll come back with updates, but they may be less frequent.

I hope you understand, but I'll come back whenever I have time. Thank you for reading this. And thank you for all of your support <3 I am beyond grateful.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2022 ⏰

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