VI: Kishi

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My whole body froze as I could only watch in silence at the scene that was unfolding in front of me.  The Nayeon in this world already had a boyfriend...?  How could I possibly fulfill those 2 conditions now?  It'd be impossible to do those two tasks if she's already so happy in this world because of someone else.

They really looked like that they were in love as she affectionately hugged him. Yet... one thing bothered me though, just who was her boyfriend?  I contemplated for a long time until I finally remembered his face.  It was none other than Ra Sangwook.  I remembered Sangwook all too well.  While we weren't friends, we sometimes hung out since we both were delinquents. 

As I continued to watch the two of them, Sangwook and I made eye contact for a few seconds and I felt shivers go down my spine.  His gaze was sinister and intense as a slight smirk appeared on his face for that mere instant. What was that crazy bastard thinking? Just like the wind, that evilness that I saw for that split second suddenly disappeared when he made eye contact with Nayeon once more. I headed to the bathroom because I had to process all of this.  I assume that Sangwook and Nayeon got together since we never dated in this world.

I was heading towards the sink when a strong force from behind me suddenly sent me flying towards the urinal until I finally hit it. The pain that came over me was immense. I could feel almost every part of my body that hit the floor throbbing. The snickering and laughter of multiple people could be heard from the direction that the force came from.  As I rolled around on the floor in pain, I turned my head to see who had done this. 

It was Sangwook that had done this childish deed.  His friends were behind him as they locked the bathroom doors.  I should've known something was wrong when Sangwook gave me that look.  The Sangwook that was with Nayeon only a few minutes ago could not be found in the Sangwook that was in front of me. 

In my eyes, Sangwook truly was a two-faced kishi.

(A/N:  A kishi is an Angolan folklore demon.)

The kishi crouched in front of me as he blew his cigarette smoke into my face.  I coughed heavily from the sudden inhalation of the second-hand smoke.  If he couldn't be even more of an ass, he flicked his cigarette ash onto my body.  I hissed in pain as some of the burning tip of the cigarette also fell onto me in the process.  What the hell did I do to deserve this damn treatment?

"So you're finally back, huh?"  He took another hit of his cigarette as I couldn't do anything but groan. "You know we missed you so much when you were gone, right?" I wish that I could've done something or just anything in that moment... but all I could do was look at the devil in front of me.  All I could do was eat the words that he was saying to me.

"Hey Sangwook!  Don't be too rough with him or else he'll be in the hospital like last time!"  One of his friends called out from behind him. Sangwook turned towards his friends and gave them a smug smile.

"It's not my fault that this little bitch couldn't handle it. We were just playing but he's too fucking weak."  Sangwook retorted.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing...  Sangwook was the reason that I was in the hospital?  Did he beat me so bad that I went into a coma for over a month...?  Just what did he even do to me?  As I was thinking about what I just heard from Sangwook and his little friends, Sangwook suddenly slapped my face when he realized I wasn't paying attention to him anymore.

"What... the fuck..." Hostility took over my voice as I glared at him. The kishi's eyes widened from surprise and he slapped me once more as he heard those words leave my lips. That slap left my cheek throbbing in pain and my head jerked back in response to the force he used. He pulled me closer towards his face until his cigarette was almost touching my chin. I could feel the slight warmth coming from the cigarette as we were staring at each other eye-to-eye.

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