VII: Trainee

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Zadkiel's POV:

"Did you expect things to be this way?"

I was honestly interested on how Y/N had felt about this reality.  To suddenly be reincarnated into a whole new world was definitely a shock to him. I wondered how he took the news as he realized how drastically different this reality was from his actual life.

"Of course not... I hate this..." apathetically grumbled Y/N.  He was just looking out the passenger window as he silently seethed in the seat.

I couldn't blame him at all.  I mean, if I had loved someone to only see that they never felt the same way, I'd upset too. I wish that I could sympathize with what he was going through, but I didn't see the importance of stressing over trivial things such as emotions.  Humans are truly intriguing beings.  To live such short lives and to care about trivial things... they are very complex.

"Why didn't you tell me Zadkiel?" 

I hummed inquisitively as he dragged out that question.  What did he mean by that?

"Tell me about Nayeon and Sangwook!  About my role within this reality!  About Juwon!" 

From his tone alone, I could sense that he was very upset.  But truthfully, I don't think that I'm to blame.

"Don't be upset Y/N.  I simply didn't tell you because it wasn't my place to.  This is your wish if you remember, not mine.  This is a live and learn experience as well.

"I guess you're right..."

Well, of course I'd be right.  I'm one of the Father's Archangels after all...

To be honest, I guess I did feel what humans would classify as "pity" for him.  He was reincarnated into an unknown world without much details given.  I guess it wouldn't hurt to explain some things to him.

"If you're that desperate, I guess I can tell you a few things."

"You're not lying, right Zadkiel?"

"Of course not!  Why would I lie if I'm supposed to help you? I guess that I could tell you about the three incidents, but only when the time is near. That should help you significantly, ne?"

Y/N's mood changed when he heard that and he was quite pleased from my proposal. We drove for a few more minutes until I dropped him off in front of his house. I mean, he had school tomorrow and he couldn't be tardy.


Y/N's POV:

I tried my hardest to make as little noise as possible whenever I came into the house. I opened the door and was met with my parents sitting on the couch. From the looks on their face, it seemed like they were expecting me.

"Where've you been, Y/N?!" My mom worriedly asked. She cupped my face with her hands and panickedly look at my face for any injuries or scars.

"I walked Nayeon home!" I retorted. From my words, my mom released her grip off my cheeks. I rubbed my cheeks as she had a surprised look on her face.

"Why didn't you say sooner!" My mom walked away from me and sat on the couch again.

Before I knew it, I was roped into a lengthy conversation pertaining my first day back to school. Honestly, I wanted to just retreat to my bedroom, but I stayed talking to my parents for some reason.

It's been such a long time since I had talked to them like this. Being able to see them talk to me without a hint of worry made me happy. I truly was a selfish child when I was alive.

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