IX: Mr. Stalker

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(A/N: New one-shot book out for your reading pleasure.  Thank you for your support.)

Y/N's POV:

Damn this big ass school and its many hallways.

I completely had forgotten how maze-like this school was. Because I was blinded by my emotions from seeing Nayeon and Sangwook together, I foolishly just walked and walked until I had no idea where I was. 

It's funny how I said that I wanted to waste as little time as possible, but here I am... wasting all my time trying to get out of here.

After some time, I finally found the exit to the school and I just ran out of there as soon as possible.

From what I could remember from the flashback, Nayeon and I took this rou-

And there they were. I can't believe that I was right based on a flashback from nearly a decade ago.

The way that Nayeon and Sangwook were walking was the spitting image of me and her.  Just the two of them happy as ever as they talked, all while holding hands.

Honestly... I chased them with no clear plan in mind, so what should I do now?

Should I turn back and walk away..?

Maybe I'll just casually stroll past them like I was coincidentally going in the same direction.

Nah, scratch that. Sangwook would beat my ass later if I pulled that stunt.

With every thought that passed through, the two of them were slowly inching further and further away from me. I just groaned in dismay as I facepalmed myself. Just what could I do?! What would be the correct choice at this moment?

"Screw it..." I grumbled in a low tone, "I'll just have to follow them."

At this point, I couldn't think of anything else that I could do. If I left the scene, the first incident could happen and I would've failed to prevent it from happening. If I got too close to them, I'd provoke unnecessary violence from Sangwook and his guard would be on high alert after today.

It's a simple deduction process.

Since I couldn't get too far from or too close to the two of them, why not stay in the middle of those two things? So that's why following them was the only option that I saw fit. For one, I wouldn't be too close to Sangwook and I could still be there for Nayeon whenever the first incident happens.

I wouldn't exactly call this a win-win scenario, however... so I guess it's more of a tie-tie scenario? I'm not sure how to exactly label this situation yet.

"Haha! Sangwook, stop!"

My head immediately jerked in the direction of Nayeon's voice. I began to pick up my pace until I was close to them but not TOO close. From behind a tree, I watched the two of them as they just bantered with each other.

It seemed like they were in deep conversation about something. Only being able to see their side profiles, I could see the prominent smiles on both their faces. Whatever Sangwook was telling Nayeon made her laugh so much. And to my dismay, her beautiful smile remained plastered on her face because of him.

"Ugh," I tsked in annoyance, "He's not that funny, Nayeon. I'm way funnier than him."

"Uh, mommy?"

I turned and saw a little boy standing behind me. He wasn't even being discrete with his staring. He just blatantly stared and pointed at me.

See, this is why I despise kids sometimes. They have absolutely no shame and will put your business out there for the whole world to hear! Not only was he just staring at me, but he was also borderline YELLING.

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