"Get to class." Aaron bumped my shoulder, gesturing to Mr. Stan's classroom. I took a deep breath, "Right." Leaving without another word, I turned the corner to see the devil himself standing there leaning against his lecture doorway. "Miss Johnson."

"Enough with the formalities." I snapped, watching his eyes grow wide as his brows skyrocketed toward his hairline. "Am I actually going to be learning anything in your class or are you planning to corner me in a room again?" He cleared his throat, ignoring the looks of two other students who had walked past right as I spoke. 

Shaking his head, he moved from the blocked entryway, "Tom's my friend." I gulped, hearing the mention of him. "But love can't be forced." Mr. Stan looked down, "Even if it's the right thing for both parties involved."

I swallowed the bile rising in my throat, "Well you don't have to worry about that anymore." I softly pushed past him, dropping into my seat; ignoring the way Mr. Stan ignored my presence. I was so caught up in the memories flooding my brain that I hardly cared to see Flo sitting so close. It's like she wasn't even there. I could see her stark blonde hair and the scowl on her face all in my peripheral. Yet it was like everything between us had faded away, all the hate and misunderstandings. I wanted nothing more at this moment than my best friend back. 


After the day had ended I made my way back home. I had yet again skipped Tom's class. I would doubt I'd probably fail my first semester just because I didn't want to face him. I'd end up in summer school, my brother mad at me once again. Yet somehow I didn't care. I had no motivation to fight for my future or spot in life. "Babe!" I shouted, walking into the apartment and closing the door behind me. 

"In here!" I threw my bag on the ground next to the couch, slipped my sneakers off, and followed Chris's voice down the hall. I found him standing in the bathroom shaving, a towel wrapped around his waist with his chest fully nude. "How long you been home?" I questioned, wondering how he had the time to shower. 

"About an hour." I quirked an eyebrow, "And you couldn't pick me up from school? I had to walk..again." Chris took a deep breath, placing the razor down and washing the leftover shaving gel from his jaw. "I'm sorry baby," I leaned against the doorframe, watching him rinse out the blade and turn to look at me. "I have good news." I squinted my eyes, "What is it?"

I could feel my heart thumping in my chest. What was he about to tell me? Was he moving? Were we moving? Did he think it was a good idea I move back in with Flo? No, he wouldn't want me to leave. Was he going to start helping me out with housework? God, I hoped so. 

"I got a raise." I faked a smile, wondering how this affected me. "Wow, that's..great!" He wrapped me in an uncomfortable hug, his wet body instantly soaking my once dry clothes. Chris pulled back, slamming his lips into mine in a bruising yet desperate kiss. I grunted, surprised as I reciprocated. 

Drawing back, he looked down at me hungrily. "Let's go celebrate." I let out a breathy laugh, "I'm not really in the mood, and I have school wor-"

"No," He shook his head, looking me up and down before he tilted his head, "A few of my work friends are meeting me at the bar. Come with us." I started to groan before his gaze darkened, silently warning me. Gulping, I nodded, "Sure. A ten-page paper can wait."

He couldn't or plain ignored my sarcasm as he dropped his hands from my face and grinned, "Don't take too long to get ready baby." I softly bobbed my head up and down, about to turn around when I saw the confused look on Chris's face. "What?"

"Aren't you going to take a shower?" I looked down at myself seeing the outfit I had been wearing since this morning. "I took one before I left for school." He looked me up and down once again, "You might wanna take one before we go." I knew that 'might' wasn't a question, more of a demand. So instead of fighting him on it I silently agreed, closing the entryway and stripping down to a bra and panties. 

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