Chapter 10: Disciple

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Liana and Clark leave a fundraiser that the Daily Planet put on and Liana has her arm through Clark's with a smile on her face

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Liana and Clark leave a fundraiser that the Daily Planet put on and Liana has her arm through Clark's with a smile on her face. Liana says, "See, that party wasn't so bad. Plus, all the money from the bar goes to charity. So, somewhere, a kid is getting a new pair of shoes all because I drank a martini." They cross the street and Clark says, "I'm sure there's more than a few kids getting shoes compliments of Liana Lane not that I was keeping track." Liana smiles and says, "Hey, that was two hours and five cups of coffee ago." Clark smiles and they make it to Liana's car and Clark says, "You know, Liana, we could go back to the farm and take a walk." Liana smiles and says, "Like we use to when we were teenagers, how romantic." Clark smiles and says, "Yeah." Liana smiles and says, "I'd like that." Clark smiles and then hears a woman yelling for help and he sighs. Liana says, "I'm guessing someone needs you more than me." Clark nods and Liana says, "Go. Rain check on that walk?" Clark nods with a soft smile and Liana leans to kiss Clark, pulls away with a smile, and says, "Night." Clark smiles and says, "Goodnight." Clark then speeds away. Liana smiles and gets into her car, but the car doesn't start, and she says, "You have got to be kidding me." Liana gets out and pops the hood and when she looks inside the car an arrow appears and lands on the car. Liana looks up to see someone dressed like Oliver and she says, "What the hell?" Liana sees the archer about to shoot another arrow, and she goes to run away, but then gets shot in the shoulder. Later, Liana gets checked into the hospital and the doctors get the arrow out and put a sling on her for her shoulder. The next day, Liana wakes up from resting and she wonders who could have wanted to hurt her. Liana hears Clark say, "Liana." Liana looks at Clark and she says, "Hey." Clark says, "I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have left you last night. This never would've happened." Clark sits on Liana's bed and Liana says, "It's not your fault, so stop blaming yourself. Look, someone dressed like Oliver's Green Arrow suit shot me and I would like to know why." Clark furrows his brows and says, "Me too." Clark places his hand on Liana's face, and she leans into it with a soft smile. Clark softly says, "I'm just glad you're okay." Liana softly smiles and says, "Me too." Later, Liana's on her laptop doing some research on the arrows when the door opens and Liana says without looking, "Clark, thank goodness, a girl could not live by online blackjack alone." Liana closes her laptop and turns to see someone she did not expect to see. Zod has a bouquet of flowers in his hands, and he says, "I am so sorry to disappoint, but I was hoping to make it up with flowers." Liana wants to make say something bad, but she knows Zod has no idea about her, so she fake smiles and says, "I think you have the wrong room." Zod says, "Forgive for my manners. I'm an old friend of Clark's. I was donating blood and I thought I'd stop by and see how you were recovering." Liana sarcastically says, "Donating blood? How nice of you." Zod notices her zone and says, "I'm getting the impression that you know who I am." Liana says, "Yeah, and I suggest you leave before I call security on you." Zod smiles and says, "My apologies. I can guess Clark doesn't hide anything from you." Liana says, "He certainly doesn't." Zod nods and says, "Oh, uh, before I go. Here's this charm, the kids on the second floor were selling them." Liana grabs it and sees it looks like a Kryptonian symbol. Liana sarcastically says, "Oh, yeah. I'm sure they were. Now, leave." Zod nods and leaves the room with smirk. Liana sighs and opens her computer once more to look up different types of arrows. 

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