Job interview

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Bible felt like floating on a cloud. Everything happened so fast. First, the nerves before the interview and then the overwhelming happiness after they said he had been selected to join the agency.

He saw the room as if he was watching from above, from a cloud. The young men who will be his colleagues. There were two tall attractive guys who looked like a couple - many other were pretty good looking men too. Particularly that ethereal longhaired guy who just caught him staring. The man smiled warmly at him and Bible came down to earth, a bit embarrassed.

-"Hi, I'm Jeff", he said in Thai.
-"Hi, I'm Bible. This is my first modelling job so please take care of me", Bible answered in Thai, his voice trembling a bit.
-"Sure, man", said Jeff in English.
At that moment Bible's eyes raised in pleasant surprise and he instinctively gave Jeff a wide bright smile.

Jeff felt like the air had been sucked off his lungs, his mouth slightly open. Bible's smile had him stunned for a couple of seconds, but he recovered quickly, smiling, and he made a witty remark before moving away to see one of the managers who was signaling him to come.

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