|Hellfire Lesson|

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Wednesday 9th September 1985 11:45am

Geography had just finished before lunch. I meet up with Steve and robin outside my classroom and we head down to the cafeteria.

"Are you going to eat something today?" Eddie walks up to me out of nowhere.

Robin and Steve both look at me angry at me.

"I did eat something yesterday and i will today!" I stay focus on Eddie.

"What did you eat yesterday?" Steve turns my head to him.

"Relax. Eddie, you gave me that apple and water for me" I turn back to Eddie.

"Come on quick, before there's no apple juice left" Robin rushes off.

Robin seemed to have a weird obsession with apple juice.

We all walk after to her, and I walk with Eddie to the vending machine.

"What should i get?" I ask him.

"Erm, well i would get something that you can eat" he looks at all the options from the vending machine.

"Really? I was thinking of getting something i can't eat" I laugh at him.

I put in some money and get some crisps and a can of coke.

"Are you still up for tonight?" He asks with his shoulder leaning against the machine.

"Yeah! why would i want to miss it? make it seem interesting at least cause i get bored pretty quick" I collect my options from the pit of the machine.

"Right i shall see you in the props room." I smile and begin walking towards the table where Steve and robin are sat.

"Woah amber, i need to talk to you" Billy comes running over.

"Would you like to come over to mine later tonight?" Billy places his hand on my hips and looks at where his hand is.

"Oh yeah, but it will probably be late when i come over." I smile at him.

"Why?" He gives a stern look.

"Oh, i have to babysit Dustin. My mom only gets home till late" I lie trying not to fidget.

"Okay, well maybe Saturday?" He asks

"Yes of course!" i go on my tippytoes to give him a kiss. Were in the middle of the cafeteria. It feels like everyone is watching us, but it feels like I'm imagining stuff when I'm with Billy.

He slides his hand off my hip and i sit down next to Steve and Billy walks off to his friends.

"What was that all about?" Steve turns to me.

"What?" I rip open my packet of crisps.

"You and Billy snogging in the middle of the cafeteria. What else?" Robin comes into the conversation.

"We were not snogging!" I un-focus from eating my crisps back into the conversation.

"All i did was give him a tiny kiss and that was it!" I insist.

"Eddie was staring at you...Maybe your dream of touching his hair will come true." Steve teases me.

"Oh my god Steve, shut it." i go back to eating my crisps.

The rest of lunch i just was deep in my thoughts about how much life had changed.

2 more lessons and then i can spend a couple hours with Eddie teaching me how to play Dungeons and dragons.

I feel like i fell asleep in both lessons cause when i closed my eyes and opened them back up it was the bell ringing to announce the day was over.

I didn't bother going to my locker and i started heading down to the theatre.

"Where are you going, Henderson?" Steve looks over at me from his locker.

I smirk and continue walking to the theatre. I'm excited to play D&D!

I walk behind the curtains and open the door into the props room.

a hand pushes me against the wall where luckily there was an acting mat there.

I close my eyes in fear and this hand slithers to my face.

The rings freeze my skin. I knew exactly who it was but by the time i opened my eyes.

Our lips grip together. This hand holding the back of my head and this other hand on my back.

This guy pulls away.

"Eddie what the fuck was that for?" I stood there shocked.

"You said you wanted me to make it interesting." He winks and leads me over to the table where this big book lay.

I don't say a word after that. Still stood with my jaw dropped watching Eddie teach me how to play.

An hour passed, and i was already excited to play.

I look down at Eddie who was sat in his throne and i stood next to him.

"So what do you think so far." He turns to me.

"I like it." I simply said.

"Do you understand it?" He asks.

I nod.

He continues teaching me for a couple more hours and I'm close to drifting off.

" Are you getting bored?" He asks yet he looked upset.

I shake my head while sat on the chair next to him.

Even though i said no he pulled me in for another kiss and I don't refuse.

"Okay, how about we call it a night?" He looks at me.

I mumble a yes and i just curl up in my chair almost falling asleep.

I was so exhausted for no reason.

He helps me up out of my chair and leads me over to behind the theatre curtains.

i wake myself up so I manage to walk.

"Oh my god. I'm so tired!" I yawn.

"I can tell." He walks up with me to the exit of the school.

"I'm just going to fall asleep when i get home." I groan again.

He laughs.

We reach my car, and he opens the door for me.

"Thank you, Eddie" I climb in and put my seatbelt on.

"Don't crash" He chuckles and shuts the door, and he walks over to his van which he sits in for a couple minutes before he leaves.

I am driving on the way home and i decide to go visit Billy because i felt like i upset him at the cafeteria.

I hop up to the porch and knock on the door.

After less than a minute of waiting, max opens the door.

"Billy, its amber!" She smiles at me and offers me in.

Billy comes jogging in out of what looks like to be his room.

"Hey amber!" he walks up to me and hugs me.

Max walks away and back into her room.

"So how come you've come to see me?" He asks.

"I felt bad for declining your offer at lunch, is it still too late?" I smile at him.

"No, of course not!"

We walk into his room which was drenched in posters (very weird posters).

"Would you mind if i stay?" I ask trying not to be rude.

"No of course not! You can stay. Has anything happened at home?" He walks up to me and cups his hand on my face.

"No i just feel like staying with you tonight." I hold his hands and sit him on the bed, and we start kissing.

After like 20 minutes of basically eating each other's faces. I get changed into some of Billy's clothes in the bathroom that i use for pajamas.

I slip inside his bed where he lay next to me. He is already asleep when i turn to look at him so i just lay there in a ball falling asleep.

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