|The party|

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I only just finish up getting ready 5 minutes before 9, which gave me time to have a breather and just relax.

Today had been crazy for me! 

I lean back against my wall and sat on my bed. Taking steady breaths.

My phone vibrates and i get up knowing my 5 minutes of no stress is up.

I head down the hallway and i see my mom drifting off and quickly give her a kiss on the cheek before i go.

I get out of the house and jog up to Steves car which was parked up on the side of the road.

He was sat there waiting for me, eyes finally reached from his phone to mine when i opened the car door.

I look behind to see no robin yet, which meant it was going to be an awkward drive.

"Right, are you ready?" He looks at me not phased at all that we had kissed only an hour and a bit ago.

"Yes, of course!" I nervously chuckle.

"Hey, are you okay?" he looks at me worried.

"Yes, erm I just need some fresh air that's all. Don't worry about me!" i roll down the window and buckle myself in.

Steve starts the car and starts driving off.

I turn to look at him and he just focuses on the road ahead. All i could think about was what happened. But he knew i was with Billy, so why would he do that? I went with it. I didn't stop him, does that make me a cheater? oh gosh. Let's just hope Billy doesn't find out.

The ride was silent until we arrive at robin's house, and we were sat waiting for her on the driveway which gave us a few minutes to talk in private.

"Look I'm sorry for what i did. I really shouldn't off I'm sorry." Steve blurts out of nowhere.

I reach over to give him a hug to comfort him.

"It's fine, don't worry about it." I smile at him and go back into my seat just in time for robin to get in the car.

We drive off and robin makes it less awkward by keeping a conversation going the drive there. We reach Billy's house where there was lots of people already there drunk as fuck.

I grab my bag and get out of the car and meet robin and Steve on the other side of the car. They both look at me concerned.

"What?" I had no clue why they were looking at me.

"Are you sure you can handle this?" Steve says.

"I can stay with you if you want, amber?" Robin suggests

I just nod and walk up to the porch, and we walk into the house full of teenagers all over the place.

Robin gets dragged away by some of her band friends.

"What happened to 'I can stay with you'" I laugh while it was just me and Steve now.

"C'mon get some punch with me" he suggests trying to distract me from the overwhelming amount of people.

We get up to the big drink station and i scoop some punch into my plastic cup and down it in a second.

"Woah be careful, don't get too drunk already." Steve slowly sips his.

Billy strolls up next to me.

I look him in the eye, and he places his hand under my chin and lifts me up for a kiss. 

I slowly put my head down and smile at him.

Billy looks to my right and sees Steve. "Guess who's the new keg master now, Harrington!" he laughs.

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