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Holy shit!

What the fuck just happened?

I'm astonished.

I climb out of the car, still can't get over what just happened.

The hellfire club was held in the props room behind the drama studio which wasn't that far of a walk.

I enter the school and head down to the drama studio. I have not been in here for a while!

I walk my way down the aisle of seats and go behind the stage. I see the door slightly open so i let myself stand in at the entrance.

I lean against the door beam and watch the lot of them celebrate and finish up the game. None of them have noticed me so far. 6 boys all gathered around a big circular table with their toys and t-shirts on made me laugh in my head because they're all in high school and still play with their silly toys.

I knock on the door gently alarming them- they all turn their heads at me.

I Look at Dustin and mike and flex them my watch in their face showing them the time.

Eddie jumps out of his chair and says "Sorry, we've ran abit overtime" he chuckles and walks slowly closer to me.

"You know, i could of dropped off the pair of them. It would saved you waiting a couple hours." he looks back at the boys and points at them to start cleaning up then back at me.

"Oh, it wasn't a problem, i just did my homework while waiting in the car." i look up at his big brown eyes.

He smiles and walks back to his fake throne that they used for the plays.

"C'mon boys, oh wait Lucas do you need a ride home?" I didn't recognize him until now.

"Yes please!" he smiles back and grabs his bag and stands next to me.

"Holy smokes! Never realized how tall you were." I compare our heights and he was honestly towering over me.

Dustin and mike were finally ready and walked up to me.

"Right are you all ready?" I dangle my car keys Infront of them.

They all nod and we start walking out of the theatre, and soon were walking out of school.

We head up to the car and i open the back door for the three of them to climb in.

"Wait a minute guys, I'm just going to put all my homework inside my locker" i run over and into the school.

Shoving all of my homework inside the locker just for it all to fall back out.

"Oh, piss off you stupid books!" I pick them back up and smack them in trying for everything to fit.

"No need to be so angry with them, here let me help." a random voice says, and these hands just appear, and he organizes them gently and shuts the locker to reveal his face.

It was Eddie.

"Aw, thank you." I smile at him and squat down to get my bag. 

I look at my watch and gasp.

"Oh shit, uh well thank you Eddie so much but i really need to get off now. I've got a party to get to." I pat his chest as a thank you and run back out to the car.

I start the car and drop off mike and Lucas and speed back home.

"What's got you in such a rush" Dustin giggles.

"Look keep your mouth shut though. I'm going to a party and i need time to get ready!" i sternly said.

"Why is Steve or Billy going?" he raises his eyebrows waiting for me to respond.

"They're both going, but I'm not getting ready just for them!" i pull into our driveway.

"Why is someone else going Aswell?" he unbuckles his seatbelt.

"No, Dustin! Now just shut up" i unbuckle mine and run inside.

"Hi mom!" i quickly said without even looking at her and run off into my room.

I jump into the shower and dry off. I brush my hair and leave it down.

I pick out my clothes.

I pick out my short denim shorts and a tank top. I put on my nicer pair of converses and slip some bracelets on.

|1 message from Steve|

"Hey, I'll pick you up at 9 at yours." - Steve.

I had totally forgotten about what happened in the car until now and now i have to see and speak to him alone in his car!?

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