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Gillian's pov:

The next morning I woke up with my arms wrapped softly around a warm thin frame.


Her head was resting in the crook of my neck, her warm breath was hitting my skin, making me shiver.

I took a deep breath, her hair smelt of my shampoo she used yesterday, vanilla and a soft floral smell.

I could stay like this forever.

unfortunately, my alarm went off. 7am. I heart Liv groan slightly, stirring by myside.

"good morning, baby." i whispered in her ear.

"ummm, a good morning it is." she turned to face me, kissing my neck gently while playing with my hair.

"This feels so good but I'm afraid you have to stop." i laugh as she kisses my collarbone. "l-liv, we have school."

"school is boring, I want to stay here with you."

"why are you so stubborn?" i ask, kissing her soft lips.

"you love it."

Olivia's pov:

today went too slow, I haven't seen Gillian all day but luckily i have her class last. i know that its early into this relationship, or whatever we are, but i have never felt this connection with someone before. I do love her, and this is the first time in my life where i feel like someone is my home.

finally, its 3pm which means its time for Gillian's class. i got there early so i could have sometime alone with her but as i arrived there was a girl stood talking to her. she looked around my age, tall, slim figure, short brown hair and bright green eyes.

They both stopped to look at me as i entered the room. "Hey b- i m-mean Olivia." Gillian stuttered."

I cant help but grin widely. she so cute how she gets nervous like that. "Hey Miss Anderson." she blushes and looks towards this new girl, who is now staring my way.

"Olivia, this is Grace. She's new here and i want you to make her feel welcome." Gillian spoke up, trying to act professional.

"Nice to meet you." i said, sitting down at my desk. Why am I so disappointed that she's not alone? i just want to kiss her so bad right now.

Grace continued to talk to Gillian about some shit while i lay my head on my desk and zoned out. I could feel Gillian's eyes on me, but i didn't want to look up. Images of last night filled my head, that's the first time in a long time I've felt happy and safe.

suddenly, the bell rang waking me up from my daydream, kids came rushing in through the door. loudly, talking amongst themselves.

Grace took the empty desk by the side of me. i could tell shes going to get on my nerves. every question Miss Anderson asked the class, she would answer the question, which made Gillian smile. 

"Very good, grace. its refreshing to have a student who like to get involived in the class." Miss Anderson spoke.

fucking know it all.

Gillian's class was finally over, I usually don't mind watching Gillian teach. The way her hips swing as she she walks around our desks, how she gently uses her fingertips on my shoulder as she walks past me, making me shiver. But this time there was non of that. I couldn't sit there and listen to that bitch grace for any longer.

As the final student walked out of the door, Gillian smiled widely at me, making her way towards my desk.

"Do you have any idea how much I've wanted to kiss you all day." Gillian whispered as she lifted my chin up to look at her.

"Umm.. well by the look of it someone new has caught your eye." I say, not meaning to sound as rude as it did.

She looked at me confused but her expression softened. "You're not jealous of Grace are you? You know that you're the only one I like." She kisses my cheek gently.

"Well I used to look at you the same way she has all day and now look at us. I just don't like her." I say, looking deeply into her orbs.

"So someone is jealous of the new girl." Her eyebrow arched as she looked at me, smirking. "Believe me, beautiful, you're the only person that catches my eye." Just as she was about to kiss me, the door swung open. Revealing the most annoying person ever. Grace.

"Oh sorry miss, but I have a few questions about the homework. Can you just go over them with me?" She asks, looking all innocent.

My blood started to boil.

"Yes, yes of course. Liv, you may leave."

As I was walking towards the door Gillian whispers in my ear, "I'll meet you on the car park in 10 minutes."

Leaving them alone together is killing me, I'm not a jealous person but something about this girl makes me not want to trust her.

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