Tell Me The Truth

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Olivias POV:

Today went pretty quickly, I couldn't stop thinking about going out for dinner with my teacher. My very hot teacher. But at the same time I'm also dreading telling her about my life. I don't want her to get involved because I know what my foster dad is capable of. My foster mom is hardly ever at home, but even if I did tell her she probably wouldn't even believe me.

"Hey, liv! What happened?" Jacob examined my face.

"Oh don't worry, I just fell over. It's not that bad." I said, trying to sound convincing.

He didn't sound to convinced but carried on talking anyway.

"So... there's a party happening Saturday night and I was wondering if you'd want to come?" I would never miss an opportunity to get drunk.

"Sure, I'd love to."

"Great, it's Matts party." Matt was a very popular footballer. I've never spoken to him and I've never really wanted to.

"I'll see you there, dude."

By the end of the day I was exhausted, I'd fell asleep in my last lesson but luckily nobody had noticed. I swear sometimes I'm invisible to everyone.

I was now nervously waiting by Miss Anderson's car, leaning against it. My head was raising with all these different scenarios raising around in my head. I hope tonight goes well.

"Hey liv." The voice of an angel echoed behind me.

"Hey Miss, you ready?"

Yeah, I just need to put these boxes in my car."

"Here let me help you." As soon as I reached down to pick up one of her boxes a pain shot through my stomach, I hiss quickly, not wanting her to notice.

After putting the boxes away I jumped into the passenger seat of her car. "Can you drop me back after so I can get my bike?" I ask as she sits near me. We were so close. Her car smelt exactly like her, like heaven. Her perfume was not overwhelming but it was a nice, subtle smell.

"Of course, now where do you want to go?"

We ended up in a small, quaint cafe just outside of town. It was beautiful. There was only about three groups of people in there, there was beautiful hanging plants everywhere and the smell of coffee surrounding me. The waitress sat us down at a small table by the window. Sitting opposite this beautiful woman made me so nervous.

The sun hit her face, making her light up the room. She smiled at me when she noticed me staring at her. "You're staring at me liv." She giggled when she noticed the blush across my cheeks.

"You're beautiful." I blurted out, shut now I'll scare her away. She looked down away from me, staring at her hands on the table. "Sorry, I didn't mean to say that, shit I've made you uncomfortable I'm so sorry, just forget I said that."

She heard the panic in my voice and looked up, getting lost in my eyes.

"Don't be sorry."

"What can I get you ladies?" The waitress asked, snapping us out of our trance.

After ordering our food came quickly. I didn't know what to order, I haven't eaten in ages and I can't lie that I wasn't hungry. With Miss Anderson I feel comfortable around her, like she wouldn't judge me.

"Thank you." I told the waitress as she brought our food.

"It looks incredible." She says looking down at the plate of food in front of her.

I wasn't eating still, I was just looking down at the food in front of me like it would kill me. "Are you ok?" Miss Anderson asks as she looks at me, concerned.


The first taste was heaven, I forgot how hungry I actually was.

"Now" Miss Anderson started "can we talk about where those bruises came from." She looks deeply into my eyes.

Gay panic.

" yeah, okay, where do I start." I put down my knife and fork and looked down at the table. I decided that I wasn't going to tell her the whole story but I'll try my best to tell her somethings.

"I live with my foster parents, Keith and Mary. Keith is an alcoholic and Mary is a self absorbed workaholic." I looked up to see if she was still listening and little did I know she was still staring, those ocean eyes looking deep into mine.
"Keith, h-he takes his anger out on me." As soon as I say that it's like a weight lifting on me. "Miss Anderson, your the first person I've told about this so it's going to be hard opening up." Her warm hard grips onto mine. I didn't believe in sparks but I felt one for myself. I hold her hand even tighter. "Call my Gillian, liv."
"Okay, Gillian." Her name rolled off my tongue. "Gillian, I like that." I smiled to myself.

"What does Keith do to you, liv?"

"He...he does different things, it's my fault when he abuses me because I can never do anything right. I'm either failing at school, eating his food which I don't even eat, he eats it and blames me or I'm just there. He tells me I'm a waist of oxygen." It's so overwhelming. It's the first time that I have ever been honest with someone before. She really has a strange effect on me.

"Darling." Her voice seemed broken. " I'm so sorry that this is happening. You're nothing like he said. You're beautiful, smart, funny and you are a gift from above."

She reached across the table, gently stroking my bruised face. "We have to get the police involved."

"What no!" I said a bit too loud.

"As your teacher, it's my responsibility to keep you safe."

"Well can you just stop being a teacher for the time being. I told you because I trusted you not to tell anyone. I'm not going to the police because it will just make it a hundred times worse!"

"Keep your voice down, people are looking."

"I don't give a shit." I snatched my hard back, feeling the loss of her connection. Excuse me darling, can we get the bill." I ask the waitress.

"You've hardly ate anything." She tells me. "I'm not hungry, to be fair I feel quite sick." I tell her taking a sip of my drink.

"Have you got anywhere to stay?"

"What? I'll just go back to that hell hole like I always do." I didn't mean it to come out that harshly. "Sorry." I mumbled, guilt washing over me. I know she just wants to help but going to the police will just make it worse.

"Don't be sorry, I can't begin to imagine what you're going through." She took a deep breath. "Look, if you need a place to stay, you can stay with me." Is she being serious, I think I may just die if I go home with her.

"No, don't worry, I have a place to stay. It may put your career on the line if anyone found out. I have a place to stay, at a friends."

" let's go." I say after we had paid the bill.

"Do you want me to drop you off at the school, so you can get your bike?" Gillian asks in her husky voice.

It really turns me on.


"If I do, promise me you won't go back to that house.... And here's my number if you ever need me." She handed me a price of paper. "Thank you, Gillian." I swear I saw her shiver as I said her name.

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