Kaoru and Hikaru were more than happy to oblige, as they were already in their costumes. The cold metal was slightly heavy on the girl's body, and made her feel sluggish. Though it did fit her well, and made her feel more powerful and regal.

"Thanks Hikaru, Kaoru." Y/N said to the boys adjusting her metal boots. "Wow guys, you all look amazing."

"You look great Y/N-chan! But I still kind of wish I could have seen you in that cute dress." Honey admitted.

"Maybe there will be an opportunity some other time Honey." Y/N's gaze fell on Kyoya, who looked amazing in his armor. He was sitting lazily on the couch reading a book, his dark armor contrasting Tamaki's white and red set.

Two girls wearing uniforms from another school entered the room, eliciting Tamaki's introduction of the club. If Y/N was remembering correctly, those were the uniforms for lobelia academy; an all girls private school. This school had been on her list of possibilities when she took exams for high school. She ended up not attending in spite of her father as it was one of his own top choices.

Tamaki started to spew some sort of pretend nonsense about putting his life on the line to save the two girls should there be danger. They seemed unimpressed.

"Oh my, do you really think you'd be able to protect us? That's offly arrogant of you, wouldn't you agree?'' The girl who spoke had ash brown hair that was let down in long waves. "You think that's what a woman wants to hear? Well your wrong."

"Come on, give him a break Suzuran.'' The other girl with shorter hair then went off on some sort of tangent about men being lower life forms and other junk like that. Y/N stopped listening after about two seconds, and decided to count the number of stripes on the twins' shirts.

Y/N's counting was interrupted by the entrance of two more girls, one being Haruhi who was carrying the instant coffee while the other was another girl from Lobelia.

The girl talked for a while, and once again Y/N tuned her out. She didn't have the patience for this kind of girls vs boys battle. In her mind it doesn't really matter, and frankly annoyed her at being compared to boys so often.

"Guess the rumors we heard are true, you guys are just a bunch of weak little punks with no sense between you." Benibara looked down her nose at the host club, who were gathered around Tamaki.

"That's not true, Mori and Kyoya have plenty of sense to make up for the lack of it in the other club members." Y/N interjected without really thinking. Tamaki and the twins gave Y/N an offended look, while Honey's attention span had been worn out a few minutes ago.

"Well, I see the host club has ensnared another precious maiden in it's idiodic trap." Suzuran sighed dramatically. "How unfortunate!"

"Judging by those uniforms, I'm guessing you girls are from the Lobelia girls academy." Kyoya deduced.

"You guys are here for the cultural club thing right?" Y/N added, having already figured that out.

"That's correct." Benibara affirmed. "We are members of Lobelia academy's white lilly league, otherwise known as the zuka club."

The host club just stood there in shock at their "performance" Y/N desperately trying to hold in her unladylike laughter. The twins on the other hand, couldn't contain themselves and burst out laughing to the point of tears.

"You shouldn't underestimate the Zuka club!" Renge's voice filled the room, her spinning stage rising up from the floor. "I may not know much about instant coffee, but I'm fascinated with girls' schools. Saint Lobellia's academy! It is truly a woman's world there. The Zuka club is a group of strong willed maidens, who consider women to be superior in every way."

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