Chapter 17 - The Panic

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Jace's POV

"It's a pleasure doing business with you, Mr Michaels, I will get the contract sorted and ill be in touch," I said shaking the hand of my new business associate, Mr Michaels. We've been planning to do a deal with him for months now, and it's finally coming together.

"I'll come back again once the contract has been written up Jace. Always a pleasure. Say hi to your wife for me" he replied with a smile. I simply nodded and watched as he and his PA left the conference room, shutting the door behind them.

"Well, that went better than I expected," Tyler said after letting out a deep breath. We've both been on edge since we arranged the meeting a few days ago, hoping everything would go well.

"I'm happy with how it went, can you start writing out a contract stating everything we've discussed today?" I asked Tyler, he nodded and took his notes with him, leaving the room to head to his office.

I followed shortly after, taking all my documents back to my office before I headed to Leah's office to tell her the good news.

I knocked on her door and tried the handle but it was locked. My brows pulled together in confusion. Where was she?

I saw Ann at her desk and rushed towards her "Have you seen Leah?" I asked her.

"Yes sir, Mrs Williams asked me to tell you she felt sick and decided to head home for the rest of the day" she replied with a smile. I nodded and thanked her before leaving for my office.

I pulled my phone out and dialled Leah's number but it went straight to voicemail. I tried again a few more times, but every time, it went to voicemail. Getting frustrated I called Tyler to my office. Within minutes, he knocked on my door and entered. "What's up, boss?"

"I can't get in touch with Leah. She left to go home saying she felt sick but her phone keeps going to voicemail" I rushed out, panic lacing my voice.

"Jace, calm down, she probably just turned it off to she could sleep or something. She's been really tired lately with the pregnancy" Tyler tried to reassure me.

"I'm going home to check on her. I'll let you know how she is. Keep your phone on" I ordered and left the office, heading down to the car park to my car.

I got to the house 15 minutes later and left my car on the drive. The front door was still locked but it made sense if she was sleeping. I unlocked the door and pushed it open. I ran up the stairs, two steps at a time and went straight to our bedroom.

She wasn't there.

"Leah?" I called out but there was no reply. "Leah baby, are you home?" I called out while searching the house but once again no answer. I tried calling her phone again but again, it went straight to voicemail. I was really starting to panic.

I phoned Tyler and he answered on the second ring "She's not at home, I still can't get through to her phone. What if something happened?" I asked Tyler frantically.

"Jace, man, calm down. Let me track her phone, give me two minutes" he told me calmly. I waited a few minutes, but I kept thinking how can he track her phone if it's off? I was pacing the living room until Tyler spoke up again. "I can't rack her phone since it's off, but I managed to get the last number she dialled" he read out the number which I instantly wrote down on some paper.

"I'll give it a call and see if they know anything" I quickly hung up the phone and dialled the number which Tyler had given to me. 'We're sorry, you have reached a number that has been disconnected or is no longer in service' was the only response I received. Hanging up and tapping Tyler's name in my contacts once more.

"The number has been disconnected. Why would she phone a number that has been disconnected? Something is wrong, Ty. Where the fuck is she?" I yelled through the phone. I didn't mean to yell at Tyler but I'm panicking right now.

"Jace, you need to calm down. Stressing like this isn't going to help is it?" Tyler tried calming me down again. "I can get to her messages but it's going to take a little longer than trying to access her calls. Try her dad, she may have gone there"

I agreed and ended our call, quickly finding Peter's number and tapping it before putting my phone to my ear. On the third ring, he answered "Jace, how are you?" he asked.

"Hey, is Leah with you? She left work saying she felt sick but hasn't come home" I questioned, trying to sound as calm as possible.

"No, she hasn't come here. Stupid question, but have you tried phoning her?" he asked.

"Yes, and it keeps going straight to voicemail. Tyler has tried tracking her phone but it's switched off. The last number she dialled was disconnected. He's trying to get into her phone to search through her text messages"

"Well don't panic, she could have met up with Ava, if she started feeling better. I'll give her and Jordan a ring and find out. Just try not to panic Jace, she'll be okay" Peter stated before hanging up.

I was pacing around the living room, waiting for what felt like hours but probably only 10 minutes when my phone started to ring, quickly checking ID and it was an unknown number. With my eyebrows pulled together, I answered "Hello?"

"Hey baby, it's been a while. I miss you" a sultry voice came through. Instantly recognising it.

"What the fuck do you want?" venom seeping from my words.

"That's no way to talk to me handsome. Could we meet up? I have something that you may want" she replied in a disgusting, seductive voice. Before I could reply, I heard a scream in the background, and I instantly knew who it was.

"What have you done to her? I'll fucking find you and ill fucking kill you if you've hurt her in any way!" I screamed through the phone.

"Now, now, Jace. that's no way to talk to us is it?" another voice said. But this time it was a male voice.

"You'll know soon enough where to meet us, just wait for a text and don't bring anyone with you, because if you do, pretty little Leah will be having a very early birth" he threatened before hanging up.

"FUCK!!" I yelled throwing a vase across the room and smashing it against the far wall. Just then, dad, Peter and Tyler came bursting through the front door.

"I know what's happened" I stated, worry and panic evident in my voice. They all gave me a concerned look waiting for me to continue.

"She's been kidnapped" Peters's face paled, immediately switching to one of anger.

"Who?" was the only thing my dad asked.

"Danny and Rebecca"

"Danny and Rebecca"

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